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Posts Tagged with "construction"

“Sweet shit!” Bwog thought as it considered the network of temporary fencing cris-crossing College Walk. “They’re filming a sequel to ‘The Siege’ right here at Columbia!” But a quick glance behind the fences–as well as the ominous absence of Bruce Willis and Denzel Washington–revealed that the university is undertaking a long-overdue renovation of its main […]

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Bwog doubts that the vaguely carnivorous lamp outside Butler actually crashed onto an unsuspecting sitter yesterday. But it does make you worry just a little. 

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Resident photobwogger Sumaiya Ahmed snapped some photos of the mega construction efforts tearing up campus and disrupting summer pick-up soccer games. Thousands (or 1332 CC and SEAS) eager first-years arrive with parents and tuition dollars in just a week! Will Columbia Facilities make it in time? More photos after the jump…

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Just in case you haven’t been around to ogle at the cocoon that currently cradles our Beloved Butler library, here are a few snapshots. According to the library’s, always helpful website the building should emerge from its tough outer casing by Fall 2007.

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What floor is the "one half a double" and "full double" picture taken on? (read more)
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August 19, 2024
Another alum here and I echo this sentiment! #GoodRiddance I am so glad Minouche resigned because it should not have (read more)
Columbia President Minouche Shafik Announces Resignation, Interim President Announced
August 16, 2024

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