In early November, Deans Valentini and Boyce announced that they’d be replacing KSho with a candidate selected by the academic-admin-headhunter-pros at Storbeck/Pimentel & Associates. (As it happens, they’re the same people that situated KSho at JHop.) While there is a student committee to aid the search, this outside help is a new twist on the […]
We continue to respect our heritage/amorous affair with our mother-magazine, The Blue & White by posting each issue of the magazine online. The latest issue, available this week around campus, is a cornucopia of delights: an interview with Dean Peter Awn; the quixotic quest for a Quidditch team; and a reflection on Columbia’s recent media malaise. In Campus Characters, the Blue & White […]
Last night Peter Sterne learned pretty much anything you would want to know and probably a lot of stuff you wouldn’t about how to have a career in politics. Last night, Matt McMillan, CC ’03 and internet consultant for Democratic political campaigns, showed a group of about 40 undergraduates in Hamilton 602 what it really takes […]
Columbia Marriage Pact: We Moved In Together!
December 5, 2024Review: Kenneth Branagh As King Lear At The Shed
December 3, 2024Hate Letter: An Elegy Rueing This Crowded Campus
December 1, 2024Hate Letter: An Elegy Rueing This Crowded Campus
November 26, 2024