When a university’s performing arts community is so vast that it has its own governing board, it helps to have a comprehensive list of your opportunities. Below is a list of all official recognized CUPAL groups, their scheduled performance and audition dates. (Unisex tights/timeless wigs are optional on a case-by-case basis.) BTE Funnyhouse of a […]
Have you ever dreamt of being famous? Now’s your chance. You could grace the pages of our blue-toned blog as the star of one of our theatre reviews! You will be expertly critiqued by our crack team of Music Hum graduates, and cheered on by our insatiable comment section. Oh, and don’t forget—Bwog fame has its perks. […]
Calling all artsy freshpeople and returning students alike! Bwog wants to take a moment to draw your attention to one of our weekly features, Where Art Thou? Every Wednesday, we post a guide to theater and arts happenings in the Columbia community that week. The “Columbia community” doesn’t mean only Morningside Heights—let us know what […]
Fireside Chat With Dr. Anthony Fauci On Public Health And Pandemics
February 11, 2025Speak Now: Joan Jonas
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February 8, 2025