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Posts Tagged with "cupal"

“Where Art Thou” is a weekly guide to interesting and notable lectures, events, and performances for the literary/musically/theatrically-inclined.

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BC junior Daniella Sapone’s original musical tells the story of Isa, a person who stutters.

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This past weekend, the Columbia University Performing Arts League (CUPAL) presented The Simon Suites, an original contemporary-theatrical dance performance with music by Paul Simon.

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On Friday, February 3 the Columbia University Performing Arts League put on a one night only performance of The List in Barnard’s Glicker-Milstein Theater. Editor’s note: Mentions of suicide.

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Arts Editor Grace Novarr reviews Camp Cattywampus, an original play by Tess Inderbitzin (BC ‘25) and Abigail Duclos (BC ‘23), which ran in the Glicker-Milstein Theatre on November 18 and 19.

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Edited, 11/14/17, 7:46 pm to reflect further investigation. Early last Friday, Bwog received an anonymous tip from a member of the Barnard/Columbia theater community. This student claimed that a member of the creative team sexually assaulted her in spring of 2016. Student theater leaders who chose the creative team knew of the assault before appointing […]

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The Columbia University Performing Arts League is performing Bodies Redefined, an ensemble piece based on the cast’s experiences and reexamines the roles of body and gender through voice work, acting, and dance. The performance will take place tonight and tomorrow night at 8 pm in the Lerner Black Box. Senior Staff Writer Ross Chapman reviews the performance. […]

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Our Arts Editor traipsed up to the Lerner Black Box Theatre last night for the first showing of the Columbia University Performing Arts League’s (CUPAL) production of CENTO. CUPAL’s second and final performance of the show is tonight at 8 PM. I absolutely love attending and reviewing original, student-written productions at Columbia for the sole reason that the pool of talent […]

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Columbia’s got a decent-sized campus, so one would think that finding rehearsal and performance space would be a fairly easy task for our many performing arts groups. Unfortunately, with a constantly-increasing number of groups vying for space, and the Columbia bureaucracy doing what the Columbia bureaucracy does best (i.e. creating complications), the task is far […]

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Bwog’s theater connoisseur Kyra Bloom reviews the dress rehearsal of CUPAL’s Fall 2013 Opera Untapped. The next showing is Saturday at 5 PM in the Milstein Theater—tickets are $5 at the TIC. Wednesday night, I ventured over to LL2 of the Diana to watch the tech/dress/first-time-in-the-theatre rehearsal of this semester’s Opera Untapped.  Needless to say, […]

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As the school year starts, you will be inundated with student groups asking you to leave your fields to flower and join them.  Before you go signing up for every listserv under the sun, we wanted to provide you with a brief rundown on the cafeteria of Columbia–those student groups that make the most buzz […]

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Greetings, theater people and theatergoers!  We’ve got our first installment of arts news: the XMAS!8 Creative Team has been announced. From the XMAS! crew, to the freshmen: XMAS! is a completely student-written holiday musical show, serving as the fall musical comedy counterpoint to the spring’s Varsity Show. XMAS! is performed in Roone Arledge Auditorium on the final eve […]

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CUPAL Presents: Opera Untapped was this past Thursday and Friday night in the Lerner Black Box. Our world-famous opera connoisseur and critic, Alexandra Svokos, was in the audience. Experience the enchantment! If you happen to know me at all, you know I want nothing more than a world in which everyone is a loud and […]

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Where Art Thou?

Just thinking about all of the cultural activities around campus and in the city makes Bwog swoon, so we’d like to share what we’ve found with you. Arts Editor Kyra Bloom delivers the scoop on your talented peers and discounted tickets. Send your event to On Campus: CUPAL’s Special Project this semester is a combination […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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