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Posts Tagged with "do you think stanford would like it here once they realized the weather sucks?"

You may remember that Columbia is one of the participants in Mayor Bloomberg’s much-publicized competition for the construction of a new science and engineering campus (or two!) somewhere within New York. According to DNA info, Bloomberg recently hinted that of the original seven applications, four have made it past the first cut—though he quickly and mysteriously […]

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I LOVED THIS PIECE!!! Sophie Jones did gods work and provided vital information while being funny :)) (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024
I LOVED THIS PIECE. Sophie Jones just did gods work!!! It was so funny and presented some very vital information (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024
This article is so amazing. Thank you for this incredible investigative work. (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024
Super informative! (read more)
The Best (And Least Smelly) Times To Hit Dodge
September 21, 2024

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