By the sounding of the Conch, we summon you to the Green Sale in the John Jay lobby. At the annual Give and Go Green event, people donate their lightly used fridges and ethernet cords, and now you can buy them for a fraction of their Target prices. We call dibs on that blue chair. The […]
The powers that be have bulldozed the thicket between Hamilton and John Jay and replaced it with this sandy, serene seating area. You can even see the rake marks in the gravel—like an oversized Zen Garden. But the manicured landscape has left us craving less cultivated wildlife. Bwog proposes a guerilla gardening group. Side note: […]
In today’s EcoConch, we take you to Barnard! Perhaps you haven’t heard, but a recent streak of flagrant and wanton littering has hit the school hard. To combat this problem, Barnard decided to…spread fliers all over? That’s right, they spread ironically green anti-litter fliers all over the floor. So, EcoReps, we call on you! Tell […]
Columbia’s celebrated Earth Day for a long time, and that proud tradition continues today. If you’re not spending the day getting closer to nature in Riverside Park (or just the lawns), why not check out some of the conferences and symposia the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences has planned for today? If you want […]
In honor of today’s sustainability gathering on College Walk, Bwog is inaugurating its newest feature, Eco Conch. With the sounding of the Conch, we summon Columbia’s greeners to respond to grievous Ecotragedies. If you witness anything environmentally unfriendly tell us: Today, the Earth Institute’s Environmental and Sustainable Development Program wanted to get the word […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025