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Posts Tagged with "fuckups"

Seniors rolling out of exams and into Senior Week without a care in the world stumbled suddenly on Friday when they found out their ID cards had been deactivated. Even the cards of RAs weren’t working, and students moving out with parents in tow tried to explain, to irrationally adamant security guards, that they had […]

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Like many other college campuses, Columbia sees an explosion of events every April, as the warm weather and the pending exam period leads groups to trip over each other in occupying Low Plaza. The overlaps are hardly without amusement, of course: Bwog looks forward immensely to the 4/20 screening of Alice in Wonderland coinciding with […]

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Intrepid Bwog contributor, frequent Bwog commenter, and skyscraper enthusiast Alex Weinberg sends us a tip about some questionable iconogrpahy: “KSA is advertising some sort of culture show on a thousand balloons and fliers and posters all over the campus. Non engineers/architects may not appreciate this, but they completely fucked up and branded their show with […]

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In a rather embarrassing miscommunication, Bwog has realized that its special guest, The New Yorker‘s Lauren Collins, is actually scheduled to come NEXT Monday, not tonight. You are all still very much welcome to come say hi though (at our regularly scheduled time of 9:30 PM) and now you have a whole week to get […]

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We’ve been drafted

In the spirit of keeping Facebook reportage to a minimum, we’re not going to tell you about the changes that went down today on the site. We are, however, going to complain vocally about this little flub. Bitch here.  

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