If you haven’t already voted–and you should!–learn something about this Divestment thing, which is on the ballot as part of the ballot initiative. Hailey Riechelson, part of BCDivest, provides an explanation for you to peruse: Though the Barnard Columbia Divest Campaign has been working hard to establish itself on campus, many students are still unaware […]
Nicaragua accidentally invaded Costa Rica due to a problem with Google Maps. Oops! (Gawker) The Feds don’t know if they want you to eat more cheese or less, so they’re helping you do both. (NY Times) Mayor Bloomberg flew all the way to China to have a look around. While there, he said people elected […]
Grant D’Avino explains everything you will ever need to know about green energy. Thanks, Grant! Financiers, environmentalists, and concerned citizens packed into Faculty House on Thursday night for “Innovative Methods of Green Energy Finance”, a panel discussion sponsored by the Earth Institute. Steven Cohen, Executive Director of the Earth Institute, opened discussion with a simple […]
Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
February 8, 2025Marginalia: The Bibles Of Butler
February 8, 2025Maati Katha Is A Groundbreaking Performance
February 8, 2025Classes Bwoggers Dropped This Semester And Why
February 7, 2025