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Posts Tagged with "hackathon"

Senior Staff Writer (and potential Comp Sci major?) Rachel Deal sat down with Piyali Mukherjee and Annie Zhang to talk about their success at last weekend’s HackMIT competition. Last weekend, a team of four Columbia students came in third place at HackMIT, a hackathon hosted every year at MIT. The team was made up of juniors […]

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Columbia Hackathon

Participants in Columbia’s Hackathon were hacking away from 9 pm Friday until 12 pm Saturday in John Jay Lounge. Bwog’s very own Sam “Ruby Prince” Aarons won the overall prize with his housing website that this isn’t a plug for at all. Lots of other cool and super helpful Columbia-centered apps were made, like one for […]

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DevFest, a “week long application development experience” sponsored by the Application Development Initiative, kicks off today in Davis Auditorium at 1:00 pm. According to a tipster, there will be a bounty of snacks including Chinese food and WestSide sandwiches—ample fuel for the 24-hour hackathon which begins today as well. DevFest runs all week, and features workshops […]

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Today, Columbia’s Application Development Initiative (ADI) launches DevFest, a week-long technology/business development experience. The group plans to host a series of lectures and workshops, with guest speakers like Matt LeMay of fame and Anoop Ranganath, the lead iPhone developer at Foursquare. Fred Wilson from Union Square Ventures will be present at the culminating “Demofest.” As Bwog […]

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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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