Location: 2940 Broadway (115 Street) Nearby dorms: Carman, Schapiro, the LLC, and John Jay Stores and restaurants: Ferris, Morton Williams, Starbucks, M2M, sweetgreen, Vine, Bernheim & Schwartz Cost: $7,928/year for freshmen, $8,166/year for non-freshmen (cheapest tier: same price as Broadway, McBain, Schapiro, and Wien) Amenities: Bathrooms: From the third to tenth floor, there are separate […]
Imagine, in the middle of the night, a dorm swallowing up all of its inhabitants. It contorts itself, building beams straining for some greater purpose, brick and glass heaving and disintegrating, leaving behind…a 2016 presidential candidate. Which dorm is which candidate? What hall’s bones are infused with the gusto and idiocy of a dastardly Trump, […]
Hate Letter: An Elegy Rueing This Crowded Campus
December 1, 2024Hate Letter: An Elegy Rueing This Crowded Campus
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