On Wednesday, Columbia once again closed its gates to non-affiliates as students from across campus gathered at Low as part of a National Walkout for Gaza. At the same time, so-called “doxing trucks” appeared on campus, bearing the names and faces of current students. Later that day, a second protest, “End Jew-Hatred on Campus,” mounted […]
Six days after Columbia’s campus closed to the public as countering Call to Action for Palestine and Students Supporting Israel protests mounted on Butler Lawn, University President Minouche Shafik has released a statement on “upholding [University] values.”
After several days of rising tensions, Thursday October 12 saw Columbia’s campus closed to visitors and guarded by NYPD as the Call to Action for Palestine protest and a simultaneous protest by Students Supporting Israel (SSI) mounted on Butler Lawns.
Campus organization Students Supporting Israel (SSI) held a large gathering on Tuesday as a response to the recent actions by militant group Hamas in Israel. Content warning: Mentions of violence and death. Editor’s note: This article is composed of individual statements from attendees of the Tuesday gathering; these statements do not reflect the united views […]
In an email to CC and SEAS students sent this morning, the Columbia Election Commission announced student government representatives for the coming years and the passage of the divestment referendum. 61.04% of participating students voted in support of the University’s divestment from companies that profit from or support Israeli policy toward Palestinian people.
Staff Writer Caroline Mullooly filled in for CCSC Bureau Chief Adam Kluge at this week’s CCSC meeting, where the BDS referendum was historically passed by the Council for the first time.
If CCSC wants to boost attendance, they put a question about Israel on the agenda. Last night was no different. Senior Staffer Abby Rubel attended the meeting so you didn’t have to.
On September 20th, Dr. Seth Anziska ‘15 sat down to talk about his recently released book Preventing Palestine: From Camp David to Oslo, about the complex players of contemporary Middle Eastern politics. Deputy Editor Idris O’Neill and Bwog Baby Alicia Benis covered everything you want and don’t want to know. Dr. Seth Anziska began the […]
Missed the last SGA meeting of the semester last night? No fear! Barnard Bureau Chief Dassi Karp was there. She reports back on college budget changes, meal plans, and what will almost certainly not be the last advancement in the CUAD divestment discussion. Also, zines. Last night’s Barnard Student Government Association meeting was the last […]
Voting on SGA elections begins today, and this year, Barnard students will be voting on whether or not they believe Barnard should divest from eight companies that are associated with or support Israel. These certain companies were singled out in Columbia University Apartheid Divest’s campaign for divestment due to their involvement in and profit from […]
Are you a regular reader of banal SGA news? Only here for the controversial issues? Either way, Barnard Bureau Chief Dassi Karp has got you covered. Read on for a description of what went down at last night’s Rep Council meeting, and also what didn’t. Barnard’s Student Government Association seems to have decided to spend […]
Today marks the beginning of the Israeli Apartheid Week, a series of events meant to spark campus-wide discussion on pertinent topics relating to the situation regarding Israel/Palestine. One of the main groups hosting the events, Columbia University Apartheid Divest, describes the purpose of Israeli Apartheid Week as being a “a week of programming meant to educate about […]
Almost every week this semester, Barnard’s Student Government Association has welcomed student groups or members of the administration to talk about what they do and how SGA can help them better further their goals. This week, representatives of Student for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voices for Peace (JVP) were the main presenters. The […]
Bwogger Nadra Rahman reports from a tense and stuffy Satow Room on overflow rooms, fascist symbols, anti-Semitism, “democracy and discourse,” a “painfully white” student council, and more, as CUAD pushes to include a question on the ballot for the upcoming student council elections. Last night’s meeting of the Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) was […]
Happening in the world: Israel has been defined as an apartheid state based on the UN’s Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. This controversial title has continued to be debated, and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has openly rejected the report and demanded that it be taken down from the Commission’s website. (Al Jazeera) […]
Where Art Thou: Welcome Back Edition
January 21, 2025In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024