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Posts Tagged with "lecture hall review"

Ever since you went to that first Columbia info session in Havemeyer 309, the entire room feels like success. Sitting in the uncomfortable wooden chairs with their too-small-by-far desks reminds you that you made it and that you’d better do your damndest to enjoy it. As your pencil rolls off your desk for the fifth […]

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Remember the first and only time you attended a FroSci lecture? Bwog does. Today’s lecture hall review should bring to mind vague memories as we journey to a land far, far away: Horace Mann. Ah, Horace Mann—doesn’t it bring back memories? Or maybe it doesn’t, because you stopped going to FroSci lectures after the first […]

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In this lecture hall review, Bwog navigates its way through the maze of Schermerhorn to arrive in a cushioned wonderland inhabited by over-zealous freshmen and cocky professors alike. We all have high expectations the first time we walk into Schermerhorn 501. It’s the first semester of freshman year, and you’ve optimistically set out to worm […]

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In this second installment of lecture hall reviews, Bwog crawls into the depths of the aptly named Mathematics (the building, not the subject …well also the subject too).  With glimmers of hope and high school idealization of college, 207 Math has promise.  But can it hold up to that? The approach to Math (from interior […]

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Remembering our fine tradition of reviewing things that don’t really matter pass over the undiscerning eye (such as pastries, cafes and chairs), we mark the beginning of a new semester with the beginning of a new set of criticisms — in this case, the lecture hall. After all, environment is everything. Our first assessment comes from […]

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