You’ve all been waiting — and quite frequently complaining in the comments section — for this one. Ladies and gentlemen on the eve of his graduation: The Dark Hand, Bwog’s eternal shadow haunting the comment space, crusading for some sort of truth and justice, and until recently one of campus’ biggest mysteries. He’s still pretty […]
Welcome back to Ask Bwog, a feature in which we answer the many burning questions of this campus. If you have ever had the pleasure of taking the Official Columbia Campus Tour, you probably heard this story from your tour guide: when Ghostbusters was filmed at Columbia in 1984, the university set up a fund […]
That’s right. Sims. A quick look at LaundryView’s new website will confirm that administrators think a polygonal world is the best one for us when it comes to deciding where we’ll do our laundry. Of course, this virtual reality is still far-enough removed from our own that it requires a legend to be understood. Maybe […]
Fireside Chat With Dr. Anthony Fauci On Public Health And Pandemics
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February 8, 2025