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Posts Tagged with "senior wisdom 2013"

Now we have one final Senior Wisdom to close out the Class of 2013.  We love you all and wish you all best! Name, Hometown, School: kapwatt. As true as it is that I was born and raised in Queens, I can’t deny that I’m an NJ’er at heart. If browntown were a real word, it […]

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Name, Hometown, School: My birth name is Randolph Carr III, a name long descended from my slave-owning, colonial forefathers. However, throughout my time at Columbia, at some point or another, I have been called Malik Newton, Xavier Lee, Brother CUSH, or some combination of these names, usually began with the honorific, Brother. South Central Los […]

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Ladies and gentlemen, your CCSC President. Name, Hometown, School: Karishma Habbu, Atlanta, GA, Columbia College Claim to fame? Oddly the most visible thing I did as Columbia College Student Council President was harass you with a weekly email called Lion Bytes (Secret: those things took me 3 hrs each so I’m as glad as you are that […]

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And now we bring you one of Bwog’s favorite people at this entire school in his reveal as the voice behind @Butler_209, who got us through many an all-nighter–not to mention his work on Carman Forever and Ni**as in Ferris. Name, Hometown, School: Jasper L. Clyatt, Rye, NY, CC Claim to fame? I photograph a […]

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Welcome Sakina Pasha, who provided you with both baked goods and wristbands. Name, Hometown, School: Sakina A Pasha, Phoenix/Las Vegas/LA, Barnard College Claim to fame? Just received the honor of being on the cover of Barnard Magazine the semester I graduated, which means my face is awkwardly in peoples mailboxes, on coffee tables, and recycling bins (STOP […]

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Bwog-wisdom’s back: Carolyn Ruvkun, former creative editor and provider of good feelings, both on Bwog and in general. Name, Hometown, School: Carolyn Ruvkun, NYC, Columbia College Claim to Fame? Nightline, Puppy Coalition, green flags, Bwog tags. Where are you going? Home to cuddle with my dog, play the piano, and procrastinate from becoming a real person […]

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Name, Hometown, School: Constance Boozer; Jackson, Mississippi; Columbia College Claim to fame? I engaged in CPRevelry and oversaw the transformation of countless U-Writing essays into articles as the EIC of the Columbia Political Review, coined the phrase Jim Yong Kim is “a rapping spaceman,” covered and broke some nom-nom-nom news in MoHi, was that girl from […]

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Name, Hometown, School: Alex; Lenexa, KS; CC Claim to fame? JJ12 OG. I’m convinced that my dorm room was featured in V117. I may be partially responsible for making Bwog blindingly white. Where are you going? Slightly south. I’ll be living on the UWS as I work in the city. Some kind souls saw fit to provide me […]

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The next Bwogger to pass through the gates of wisdom: Claire: legend, hero, and former Editor in Chief.

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Here’s Logan Donovan, who Athletics should really get in contact with. Congratulations! Name, Hometown, School: Logan Donovan; Nellysford, VA and New York, NY; SEAS CS Claim to fame? I was on ESC and spent most of my time doing policy work. I co-wrote Columbia’s Medical Amnesty Policy, got the undergraduate schools to come together, and pushed for pass/fail for non-technical […]

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For the first Senior Wisdom on this Commencement Day, we bring you the wonderful Allie Curry, senior editor at The Blue and White. Name, Hometown, School: Allie Curry; Bismarck, North Dakota; Columbia College Claim to fame? I like words. Acquaintances most often call me out for arguing against Helen, that yes, you should tap that.  n.b.: I was […]

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Name, Hometown, School: Josh Johnson; Uniondale, NY; Columbia College Claim to fame? Co-chairman of the Black Student’s Group Consortium (shoutouts to my brothers and sisters in the struggle, cuz it’s real), Uris Pool Lifeguard, and Intramural Champion (I go hard in the paint!). Also my partying skills are legendary, I’ve perfected ancient the art of the fist-pump and […]

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Next up is John Lubeen Hamilton, who you’ve probably watched perform at some point or other.  (And if you haven’t, you’ve missed out).  Congratulations Lubeen! Name, Hometown, School: John Lubeen Hamilton, Lubeen, Lube, or any derivation of the aforementioned product Born and raised in Queens, Ny – Saint Albans to be exact. CC student – Shout […]

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The wisdom just never ends: this time, on the morning of CC Class Day your CC valedictorian coaches you on all things Upper West Side. Name, Hometown, School: Lia Friedman, Upper West Side, Columbia College Claim to fame: If you knew my name before this April, you’ve probably gotten emails from me about worm bin […]

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Here we have Brian Driscoll with a shockingly actual honest Senior Wisdom.  Congratulations on your graduation today! Name, Hometown, School: Brian! Driscoll, Sandusky, OH, GS Claim to fame? GS Alumni Key award winner. I’m also a Visual Art major; we’re rarer than unicorns.  Also, for some reason people always remember my hair. Where are you going? I’m staying in […]

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