So maybe finals start in just a few weeks, and maybe you’re regretting those nights you spent going wild at frat parties eating Ben & Jerry’s and watching a movie in your room. Still, there’s no need to become a Butler zombie to make up for lost time yet, as Bwog’s Arts Editor Kyra Bloom has […]
Last night, Bwog’s theatre aficionado Megan McGregor clicked her heels together three times and soon found herself in the Lerner Black Box theatre watching Operation: Ease on Down the Road. Friday night at 8 and 11 pm, Lerner Black Box experienced something unlike it has ever experienced—racist jokes, cultural references, and Barnard women galore. Wait, […]
On Friday evening, Alex Jones learned some manners at Chowdah’s latest offering, Miss Chowdah’s Guide to Proper Etiquette, in the Lerner Black Box. Columbia improv comedy group Fruit Paunch opened the show riffing on the word(s), “battle axe.” The audience learned several life lessons, such as: never wave a gun around in hope of intimidating […]
Bwog’s Off-Off-But-Actually-On-Broadway Theater critic Matt Schantz reviews the semester’s first Black Box production: As the lights went up in the Lerner Black Box theater, Rebecca Clark, CC ’13, invited the audience aboard the Celebrity Slave Ship and instructed them to fasten their shackles. The audience tensed, unsure if they should laugh or cringe. Much of […]
Last night, NOMADS held their customary first-show gala for their newest student piece: Portrait and a Dream. Bwog’s Katheryn Thayer now reports. We know finals are coming up, but what better way to de-stress than to watch someone else worry about the end of the world, death, and losing everything important? Student writer Jacob Rice, […]
Bwog’s Peter Sterne reports from Lerner Black Box. Last night, Kings Crown Shakespeare Troupe presented a slightly modernized version of Coriolanus, one of Shakespeare’s least-performed plays. The audience was immersed in the play’s action from the very beginning, when a fight broke out in the ticket holders’ line. Although this Bwogger initially assumed it involved […]
Disco Inferno Correspondent Megan McGregor advises you to boogie on over to Lerner’s Black Box this evening at 8 p.m. The MaMa Project, which began in 2002, provides opportunities for student choreographers to produce their own shows with a more cohesive theme than the Orchesis showcases every semester. This year’s showcase features enthralling and innovative […]
Last night, CU Bellydance put on HIPnotic, its first troupe showcase in four years. Megan McGregor, Bwog’s Favorite HIPster, was there to report. After HIPnotic, one can be certain that its fantastic women dancers could surely “shake forever and never care.” Those in the audience that nearly filled Lerner’s black box theatre waited in great […]
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025