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Posts Tagged with "macbeth"

If you were among the select few lucky enough to score a ticket to any of the three sold-out showings of King’s Crown Shakespeare Troupe’s Macbeth, directed by Madeleine George, BC ’23, you know what all the hype is about. If not, you’ll have to read on to see what you missed.

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This past Thursday, staff writer Jeffrey Ndubisi attended “Shakespeare in Translation?,” presented by the King’s Crown Shakespeare Troupe and the Center for American Studies. The two-hour event, hosted in Barnard Hall’s Held Auditorium, featured a conversation between Professors John McWhorter and James Shapiro of the Linguistics and English departments, respectively. All throughout the event, KCST performers presented four scenes […]

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Even with finals quickly approaching, Staff Writer and avid Shakespearian-theatergoer Jessa Nootbaar took a few hours out of her Thursday night to walk around Columbia, following KCST’s spring show production of “Macbeth.” Here are her thoughts on last night’s performance of the bloody rise and fall of the Scotsman himself. Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” (or, “the Scottish play,” for […]

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Bwog’s Resident Shakespeare Connoisseur Peter Sterne reports from the VagBox: It’s hard to think of a Shakespearean play that fits Columbia better than Macbeth (OK, maybe). This classic tragedy of all-consuming ambition might serve as a warning to those who have already decamped to Butler in anticipation of finals, so long as they can tear themselves away from their […]

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