Fewer jobs, but more internships. Major business, but minor interest. No longer mediocre, but still quite peculiar. The vacancy is filled, but the hole in our hearts remains. Escaping the present, but stuck in the past.
Bwog would like to invite you to say hello to GS’s new Owl Logo! You’ll recall that their old Owl, Gulliver, was owlnapped from Harford Community College. Anyway, this new guy (gal?) is so snazzy with the little thumbs up. Well, thumbs up to you too New Gulliver.
Fu Foundation Bureau Chief Sean Zimmermann reports from last night’s ESC meeting. At last night ESC meeting, many changes were afoot within the ESC you know and love. Even though CourseWorks is maybe probably on the outs, the Council’s Director of Technology Kenny Rivera is developing a CourseWorks application for the iPhone—to better check that […]
GS’s new (unnamed?) owl mascot is now hanging on the Lerner ramps. If he is, in fact, unnamed, Bwog likes Gulliver. Gulliver the lifelong-learning owl.
When reached for comment, Felix Gillette, CJR Daily reporter and author of the Slate profile of J.J. had the following to say: “I’m concerned that the long hours, endless travel, and lack of a stable home life may finally be catching up with J.J. Jumper. This latest incident looks like nothing less than a cry […]
This isn’t the first time Columbia and J.J. Jumper’s stars have collided. A Columbia Journalism Review reporter did a bittersweet profile of the homeless frog for Slate almost a year ago. It seems like J.J. takes it more than he dishes it out so maybe we aren’t so mad at him for destroying $6,500 of […]
Bwog, in a fit of teary-eyed, second-semester senior nostalgia, decided to attend our first ever Columbia sporting event last night, the men’s basketball game against Yale. And while we lost in a heartbreaker, JJ Jumper still managed to provide a moment of amusement. Not to be confused with Roar-ee, Columbia’s own lamely named mascot, JJ […]
In the information age, Rome can be built in a day. Here are some highlights from our first week of existence: – Bored at Butler: enemy, or groupie? – The Definitive Guide to Butler Sex. Seriously. – Middle School Girls Experimenting. But not with each other. – Rent Fellini! For free! Or, get almost-free almost-porn! […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025