How will Minghui Yu’s death be commemorated? Swastika: symbol of hate or symbol of love? Are education and cash incentives mutually exclusive? How on earth do I pay my taxes? But seriously, can I live with myself if I vote for the cowboy hat party? …and finally, the return of Spec’s housing blog, The Shaft. […]
Ann Coulter has written a column that somehow, someway uses the tragic death of Columbia grad student Minghui Yu to insult Barack Obama and Obama’s grandmother and grandfather, whom Coulter refers to as “racist” and “worthless and lazy”, respectively. Coulter goes on to paraphrase a story about Obama’s grandparents in which his grandmother wanted a […]
The Mystery of Pain. Asked to legitimize the illegitimate, GSSC Elections Commission resigns. Barnard Voting: The eBear Necessities. Congestion plan coughed up. Bob Dylan meet Joe Pulitzer. How safe are we really? In other Columbia-related news: the NYTimes captures the different views on the boy arrested in the recent death of a grad student.
The vigil at 5:30 for Minghui Yu attracted hundreds to Low Plaza today. Students from the Office of the University Chaplain handed people candles and hot cider as they heard eulogies for the promising statistics grad student. PrezBo and Dean Pinkham admitted that they did not know Yu or his family personally, but offered condolences […]
Tonight at 5:30, teachers, administrators and friends of Minghui Yu are invited to Low Steps for a candlelit vigil. Bollinger, Dean Pinkham, Statistics Professor David Madigan, Chaplain Davis and representatives of student groups will be speaking and a moment of silence will be observed.
Given recent events, Bwog placed a call to Public Safety yesterday afternoon to find out how the department is reacting to Minghui Yu’s death and how they intend to make students feel more secure. [Edit: 3:24pm: Jim McShane email after the jump.] According to Public Safety, officers do not currently patrol the area where Yu […]
The AP is reporting that a suspect, a 13-year-old boy, has been arrested regarding the death of Columbia grad student Minghui Yu. He is reportedly being charged with second-degree manslaughter, but his name has not been released. UPDATE (1:15 PM): According to The Daily News and Gothamist, the police now suspect that the boys who […]
WABC TV and multiple student tipsters inform us that a grad student [not GS as previously reported] fleeing muggers at 122nd Street and Broadway was hit by a car and taken to St. Luke’s with “severe head trauma.” More on this as we get more information. UPDATE (1:33 AM): Gothamist post reveals that the student […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025