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Posts Tagged with "crime"

I thought these cups were reusable..?

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Politics, Progress, and Polyrhythms in this morning’s Bwoglines.

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According to an email that Public Safety just sent out to the “ALLCU_MS” listserv, a man was shot on 123rd street and Amsterdam: Dear Member of the Morningside Community, Police activity 123 St and Amsterdam Ave non-affiliate male shot avoid the area. Update to follow. Check back on this post for further coverage as the situation […]

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Update, 6/25 12:00 pm: Nunez has admitted to police that he is the guy on the surveillance video, according to the Daily News. The NYPD arrested Roberto Nunez at 8 this morning on suspicion of June 7th’s triple homicide. Nunez, 30, is a convicted felon. He can be seen walking away from the blood-spattered BMW in […]

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Update, 6/9, 2:00 pm: Cops have released a video (via Gothamist) of the suspect. The Times reports that police believe that the three men found dead were drug dealers who were shot execution-style for stealing from other drug dealers. All three victims had prior arrests on their records. Update, 6/8, 5:00 pm: Vice President for […]

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Really frightening news: Public Safety just warned Columbia students about an attempted sexual assault and a mugging earlier this weekend. On Friday evening, a woman jogging in Riverside Park was nearly sexually assaulted. Later that night, a man was robbed on Claremont Avenue and LaSalle St (up by 125th street). Here are the two alerts […]

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Public Safety Speaks

Public Safety: they always seem to be there to shut down improv shows and boot you off the lawns, but never when you’re walking home bleary-eyed from Butler at 3am. As if you didn’t already have to reassure your parents of your safety in the big bad city, now you can go home for Thanksgiving […]

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Last night we received the following tip from a concerned student: Today, a friend and I (both Barnard students), were strolling in Morningside Park at 6h00pm. We heard three shots fired. It was followed by a bunch of guys yelling and we saw a group of guys run away. We weren’t in the exact vicinity […]

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Around 5:30, students received a Security Alert e-mail from Dean Terry Martinez about about a robbery on 114th. While this was supposed to be a reaction to an event that occured last night, the attached flyer reported an incident that occurred last year. Public Safety confirmed that the crime that actually occurred last night (and […]

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Roundup: Crime

There is no need to fear. DNA Info’s Crime and Safety report for Morningside Heights has produced mainly positive results. In summation, Morningside Heights is the 38th safest neighborhood in Manhattan the city, and the 7th safest in Manhattan There has been a 76% drop in crime since 1993 There was a 3% rise in major […]

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Tayshana Murphy, a high school senior who happened to be one of the nation’s top-ranked basketball players, was shot and killed in the early hours of Sunday morning in Grant Houses on 123rd Street. DNA Info reports that police have identified two suspects in the murder, and that Murphy seems to have been the victim […]

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Last night at 11:40 p.m., a student was assaulted and robbed on 113th St. between Broadway and Riverside. Terry Martinez’s e-mail (below) includes details about where to send information if you know anything about this incident. Pictures are included in the security alert, available here. Students: Please review the attached security alert regarding a robbery […]

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At about 3:10 a.m. this morning, a female student was approached, followed and grabbed on 115th and Broadway. The suspect then walked away. The victim described the suspect as Hispanic/5’3”-5’4”/ 20’ s. Pictures are included in the security alert. If you have any information, call Ken Finnegan, at 212-854-4790. Text of the alert after the […]

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Public Safety sent out an alert this morning about two related armed robberies that occurred late last night. On 110th St. between Broadway and Amsterdam, three victims were robbed in two separate incidents around 1:30am. One of the victims was also assaulted and knocked to the ground. The official police description of the suspect is […]

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Morningside Heights crime wave! We heard reports that there was a car crash, and then that there was a shooting last night on 113th Street between 3-5 AM. There was a car crash and an arrest, but no shooting. We just got off the phone with Public Safety, who told us there was an “altercation” […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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