If you recall, a while ago Bwog tried it’s hand at Craigslist’s Missed Connections for Columbia students. While the primary object of longing was Hawkmadinejad, the rest of the student body was not impressed. However, a tipster showed us that Craigslist had a few Columbia-related connections, just waiting to be brought together. Bwog, in a […]
We received only a few responses to the Missed Connections post, but this didn’t sadden us, Columbia. You see, the fewer Missed Connections, the more connected you must be, and we celebrate your happiness in love. But we continue to fight for those still seeking romance, so with that in mind, the following are the […]
Fourth of July, the most romantic holiday of the year, is quickly approaching. Bwog would hate for you to celebrate America’s independence without a summer love, so we decided it was high time for another go-around at our own attempt to unite would-be couples. Not to mention that just last night, one tipster directed our […]
Bwog received word that several Columbians are spending the first days of summer pining for the English class/Lion’s Head/McBain romance that never was. If you think a missed connection is directed your way, email Bwog and we’ll put you in touch with your inamorato/a. “I met you under the influence of alcohol at the Lion’s […]
After so many hours locked up in Butler, Bwog couldn’t help but notice a few smoldering glances flying from person to person across the brutally well-lit study spaces. It got us thinking, and we decided to start a feature that we’d been considering for a long time: Missed Connections. Oh, my, yes. While some of […]
Winter Break came to a crashing close today, but for some over the holiday weekend, waiting for human contact proved unbearable. In the spirit of helping these forgotten few find love, Bwog presents some of the lost souls from around our neighborhood who turned longingly to Craigslist in the twilight of their freedom… I. SM seeks […]
They go fish shopping! According to an anonymous tipster, a CC student ran into President Bollinger summering in Cape Cod, but didn’t recognize him until PrezBo had fled the scene. Saddened, she posted this Craigslist missed connection: Grey-haired First Amendment scholar at the fish store – w4m – 20 Reply to: pers-194280482@craigslist.org Date: 2006-08-14, 11:55PM […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025