In light of the fact that your CC final is tomorrow, and you’ve decided to take up a new television show been studying rigorously for the past three days, here is another reminder that you’re screwed prepared.
We’re confident you know the canon inside and out, but it’s our duty as you scramble together your mechanical pencils, graphing calculator, and Naked protein shakes (you never know…) to remind you that holy shit! You forgot something: Update: Okay fine, but we always post this! Sorry to play tricks on you, but we hope […]
CC 2014’ers and 2013’ers are about to sit down for a taxing, excruciating three hours, in which they expound on the entire history of Western thought. Lit Hum and CC finals are happening today, which explains the flurry of flustered kids heading to Hamilton at 12:30. Bwog wishes you the best of luck, and gently […]
Over the last few weeks, your correspondent has received a total of seven automatic reminders to fill out course evaluations (i.e. spam) and three personal emails from professors requesting that their evaluations be completed. And they are pretty important—filling out course evaluations lets professors know what works and what doesn’t in their classes. Unfortunately, course […]
Bwog thanks Broadway Presbyterian Church for affording us the highly-prized opportunity of making Monty Python references.
The sun is shining, the snow is melting, and it’s no longer so treacherous to take five steps. Or is it a false alarm? Merely Mother Nature’s cruel trick to lure us out of our layers and self-pity, only to dump another few inches on us and giggle? You decide in our latest poll (see […]
Last year Bwog brought you a Limerick Lit Hum study guide, and this year Procrastinator Extraordinaire Carolyn Ruvkun provides you with a playlist of songs with references to glorious works of our literary past from the second semester of the Lit Hum syllabus. ‘Njoy! The Beatles, “I Am the Walrus“ This Beatles classic sparked the […]
With each thrust of the sword to a specific target area, the kendoka unleashes a chilling battle cry, naming the specific point of contact on the opponent’s body.
School’s back in session and the economy’s in the tank. These are two simple truths. Now, plunged back into our workloads and faced with the utter futility of our studies, the lack of a bright tomorrow (though maybe a bright next-decade), it’s easy to despair. Well, despair not, because this week Bwog presents three films […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025