"As a student... I think you should be damned disheartened to see how much the university doesn't take into account the opinions of others."
Nick Sprayregen, one of two property owners resisting the the Manhattanville expansion project, filed a suit today against the Empire State Development Corporation, claiming that the ESDC made various errors in the process of deciding that eminent domain laws apply to the Manhattanville area, allowing the state to seize it and sell to Columbia. According […]
At a news conference this morning, the Empire State Development Corporation unanimously voted to use the power of eminent domain to seize the remaining commercial holdouts in Columbia’s Manhattanville expansion zone. That’s bad news for the two property owners who have still refused to sell: storage space owner Nick Sprayregen and gas station owner Gurnam […]
Bwog received word today that the famed conservative periodical, the Weekly Standard has published in its most recent issue an adamant critique of Columbia’s Manhattanville expansion, on ideological grounds opposed to eminent domain. Not only is fair alma featured in the piece as an unyielding slumlord, but another surprising character makes a curious appearance. What […]
The Observer is reporting that Columbia has agreed to pay $14.8 million (or $235 a sq. ft.) for a 62,000 ft. warehouse on Broadway between 130th and 131st. Despatch Moving & Storage, the owners of the warehouse, had agreed in 2007 to sell to the University but the two parties have only now settled on […]
Nick Sprayregen may be the loudest Manhattanville holdout, but he’s not the only one. Meet Gurnam Singh, owner of two gas stations on 125th Street. He’s the other holdout to Columbia in Manhattanville, though he’s declined to speak publicly about the wrangling until this month. In an exclusive with the New York Times published Sunday, […]
Meet Nick Sprayregen — that’s him over there on the right, alongside anti-Columbia propaganda. For three years, he’s upheld a solemn vow to rally against the University’s expected use of eminent domain by holding onto his Manhattanville storage company, Tuck-It-Away Storage. He’s also the subject of an Observer profile from earlier this week (and one […]
The New York Times is reporting this morning that Anne Whitman, who up until very recently was one of three Manhattanville landowners who refused to sell to Columbia, has decided to throw in the proverbial towel and has agreed to turn over her land to Columbia. In exchange for selling the property currently home to […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025