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Posts Tagged with "conservatives"

Columbia researchers find that the dust from car exhaust increases the chance for, among other things, brain damage, autism, depression, and Alzheimer’s. (WSJ) Yesterday, voters soundly rejected an anti-abortion initiative in Mississippi and a law limiting union rights in Ohio. (NYT) Though the initial flooding in Thailand may be over, the recovery is expected to cost in excess of […]

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Slovenian Philosopher Slavoj Žižek taught “Radicalism 101“, in Zuccotti Park yesterday. (He’ll be at Columbia this Wednesday). Meanwhile, the protest has spread to 25 cities. (The Observer/CBS News) Barnard Political Science professor Sheri Berman writes a scathing review of a book about conservatism that claims the ideology is about subjugating society’s lowest. (NY Times) Giuliani is […]

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The October issue of the Columbia Political Review is out. The tongues of former commies and renegade colonists are back in style, Young idealists are still hopping on the bandwagon, Barack Obama spreads hope and change,  San Francisco finally puts its money where its (progressive) mouth is, and Conservatives pretend its 1773.  

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Mark Lilla debates whether conservative ideas are properly studied on college campuses, and adds that, at Columbia “not a single prominent conservative is to be found.” (Chronicle of Higher Education) HHS Secretary says swine flu vaccines could start early next month, but will that really stop the hysteria? (AP) The new (and even-more-Twitter-like) Facebook Lite […]

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AltSpec: Potpourri

At the Double Discovery center, they confirm and reconfirm that dating abuse is just not okay. Our pediatric neuroscience department was managed by a fraudster.  John Bzdil pleaded guilty on Tuesday for defrauding Columbia for $180,000 used for personal expenses. Miller Theatre has a “new” director.  Granted, she was the acting director since October. A […]

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Bwog received word today that the famed conservative periodical, the Weekly Standard has published in its most recent issue an adamant critique of Columbia’s Manhattanville expansion, on ideological grounds opposed to eminent domain.  Not only is fair alma featured in the piece as an unyielding slumlord, but another surprising character makes a curious appearance. What […]

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In which we imitate Monday through Friday: CU, vaguely, is whispered about in the real world. We found fuel cells. (Ed.- wrong Columbia) You found a corporate sponsor. He found dirty money. Mom found a “neo-con”. They found a sweet quartet.

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David Eisenbach has done it again–one more polarizing political figure to enlighten campus discourse. This Wednesday, December 5th, faux White House correspondent-cum-boy toy Jeff Gannon will speak at Faculty House  about his new book, The Great Media War, which promises to “take aim at liberal media bias.”  You fight that media bias, Jeff (or should […]

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More controversy?

Get ready for for this one: word has it that Columbia alumnus/right-wing writer David Horowitz plans to make an on-campus appearance sometime between October 22nd and 26th to spearhead “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week,” an event put on through the Terrorism Awareness Project. As a special treat, Horowitz plans to bring conservative talk show host Sean Hannity […]

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Bwog correspondent Armin Rosen decided to spend part of his spring break hobnobbing with the stars at the America Israel Public Affairs Committee’s conference in Washington DC. His second dispatch follows. After hearing Dick Cheney drone through a half-hour long exposition on the danger that a premature American pullout from Iraq poses to Israel, I […]

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DC on a Sunday is about as exciting as Butler on a Thursday. So with press pass in hand, Bwog contributor Armin Rosen attempted to stave off the ennui the only way Washingtonians know how: with a couple strong shots of special interest politics. My first thought upon arriving at the American Israel Public Affairs […]

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Harvey Mansfield, government professor at Harvard, stopped by to speak about his latest book Manliness. Virile Bwog correspondent Andrew Flynn was there to report from the frontlines of the War on Girly-men… “Be yourself… but don’t expect to be as respected.” This was the advice that Harvey Mansfield gave to those of us who don’t fit his definition of […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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