Resident Noam Chomsky fangirl and resident lecture enthusiast Elizabeth Self muses on hearing the man himself lecture at Columbia. Even if it was in Schermerhorn. Last week, Noam Chomsky gave the Fall 2013 Dewey Lectures at Columbia, themed, “What kind of Creatures Are We?” The lectures also were apparently advertised nowhere outside Philosophy Hall, and […]
Last night, famous linguist and leftist intellectual Noam Chomsky spoke on “America and Israel-Palestine: Peace and War” at Barnard’s LeFrak Gymnasium. The line to get in was long, but Bwog’s radical correspondent Peter Sterne made it inside. A full hour before Noam Chomsky was scheduled to begin speaking, the auditorium was already beginning to fill […]
Looks like the administration is expecting more of the commotion we saw the last time Chomsky was here. The linguist/philosopher/cognitive scientist/activist etc. returns to Columbia tonight at 6 pm in LeFrak for another round of controversy. Update, 4:20 pm: We hate to be the bearers of bad news if you were hoping to beat the crowd, but… […]
Bwog Oldie Justin Vlasits endured enormous lines winding throughout IAB in order to bring you this report on Linguist/Political Activist Noam Chomsky’s speech last night. In today’s intellectual climate, with its emphasis on tight specialization, it is uncommon to see someone excel in more than one field. Noam Chomsky is a member of this rare […]
Noam Chomsky stormed campus yesterday with a lecture double-header. Bwog commences its in-depth coverage with the linguist’s more academic engagement. Below, Linguistics major Sara Maria Hasbun reports on deep thoughts. Noam Chomsky isn’t exactly known for his engaging lectures, but even so, he packed the theatre of the Casa Italiana by 2:45 for a 4:00 […]
Chomsky’s second speech, a discussion of Harold Pinter’s censorious Nobel Prize acceptance speech, failed to impress contributor Armin Rosen. He sends this evaluation of the MIT linguist’s decidedly uncritical reception. I remember reading somewhere that Noam Chomsky was a controversial figure, but if I had to depend on my own sense perceptions for evidence, I’d […]
Veritas Forum subjects: infinitude of knowledge, the Almighty, plagiarism Message of a loving God creates schism, property rights issues, “trouble” Surprise! Noam Chomsky is anti-war! Poverty = another reason to worry about Global Warming? …never fear, J-Sachs’ anti-squalor sustainability squad is here!…just don’t ask too many questions.
1) If you’ve been ignoring your inbox lately, you probably haven’t heard that Columbia will be graced with the presence of the MIT linguistics expert, sometimes-anarchist, and general wise old man, Noam Chomsky. First, Chomsky will speak about Renaissance man Harold Pinter (weird, no?) for five dollars at Miller Theatre. But if you’d rather hear […]
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025