For CC ’14er Gabby Beans, last night’s Class Act was a welcome opportunity to, as the 75-page NSOP manual put it, “sit back, relax, and enjoy.” But she found that difficult to do with a thousand little kazoos buzzing in her ears, and the sounds of Michael Bublé inexplicably wafting over the freshpeople-packed room. Her […]
This morning, your Blue & White advice comes from the 19th century. “In conclusion let a word of warning be given to all who are about to begin their work in the School of Mines. Whatever course you may select, stick to it. Every one is good, and if you desire success after graduation remember […]
Tonight is the most important night of your life, the first night of college. You’ll probably do something sort of fun. Here’s what some of your elders did their first nights at Columbia. It gets much better from here. Don’t throw up! NB: Not every Bwog post has bullet points. When I got here I […]
Deans marched, ice was broken. PrezBo close-up alert!
Orientation Day One is hardly over yet—there’s still Class Act to see, Gates to run through, and high fives not to give. Here are some scenes from the first eight hours of this long trek of a day. 2014, you kids look good out there. Welcome! Pictures and video of Day One to come. Send […]
Dear Bwog, Is it acceptable to hang my super hot poster of Jenna Haze’s ass crack on my wall? ~Bro Dear Bro, Please, no naked chicks. There’s really no need to splash your horniness all over your walls. It’s college! Go tap the real thing. But this isn’t just a heteronormative gendered issue. (Fun fact: […]
Orientation has begun! A few highlights from the morning: An OL helping a freshman move pulled a taxidermied rodent out of the trunk of a car. Overheard at the Chastity Belt gate at Barnard, mother to daughter: “stand in front of the gate! Smile! Pretend you’re happy!” An OL opened the door to a car, […]
Behold your dorm room. It’s—It’s—It’s—nice?? Don’t be too disappointed. You’ll stain it too and make it your own. (Fun fact: JJ11 has a tainted legacy. One past resident drunkenly shat on the floor.) Anywho, college may be your first time living on your own, so you probably have some questions. We’re here to help. In […]
In October 2003 (before Bwog was even a word!), The Blue & White made a long list of advice for freshmen. We’ll give you slices of that advice every morning of NSOP, so you can start your day with confidence and finesse and one of those good chocolate chip muffins from John Jay, plus hash […]
International and West Coast freshmen moved in today, campus was calm in the afternoon. Tomorrow, it will be 95 degrees and absolutely insane. Two scenes from the last quiet Sunday till winter break:
The NSOP 2010 theme has, we hear, been altered. Instead of The Odyssey, our NSOP spies inform us that it’s…2001, uh, make that 2010: A Space Odyssey. Apparently, much distress was caused by Bwog’s call of CC-centrism. Despite the fact that the NSOP t-shirts and NSOP schedule books seem to be dominated by the theme […]
The Container Store is still open; return your stupid storage boxes today! If you’re anything like us, you’re spending hours researching and cross-referencing lists of things to take to school. Living in the storage closets that are Columbia dorms presents its own special challenges, however, so we’ve compiled a list of the things we Bwog […]
Holy smokes 2014, you’re going to college tomorrow! Let Bwog help you pack. International and West Coast kids are already on campus– take advantage of your Bed, Bath and Beyond trip! Making friends is stressful. Exhale, friends. With a few simple tchotchkes, your classmates and your floormates will flock to your room, you can talk […]
Update, 8/28: Remember that bizarro fire ritual (not this one) they do one night of NSOP? We hear that this year, that’s being replaced with a screening of Remember the Titans. Freshmen-in-waiting, break out your day planners…now! The 2010 NSOP Committee released the precious schedule books today, which as always contain more mandatory Orientation activities […]
Christy Carlson Romano of Kim Possible fame is back at Barnard! She was spotted in the Reslife office today, and is here to finish her degree. Barnard deans have apparently forbidden Barnard OLs from high-fiving first-years as they walk through the Gates yelling and screaming on the first night of college. Columbia and Barnard OLs […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025