Graduation is fast approaching, and this guy thinks you should try to snag a Phi Beta Kappa before it’s too late. (WSJ) Despite the May Day demonstrations (and celebrity appearances) yesterday, some think Occupy Wall Street is losing steam. (Village Voice, NY Mag) A foreign policy spokesman for the Romney ended his involvement with the campaign […]
The bizarre story of a Times reporter who tracked down another man with the same name comes to an end. (NY Times) Is Sarkozy on his way out? We report, the French decide. (Associated Press) A roundup of yesterday’s Coachella action. Yeah, that’s still going on. And yes, this blatantly has nothing to do with […]
Obama has tapped Jim Yong Kim, the president (and sometimes rapper) of Dartmouth, for the top spot at World Bank. For Jeffrey Sachs, then, spring is a time of broken dreams. (Business Week) Graduation is looming and for around two-thirds of seniors, this means starting to think about debt. (The Atlantic) Warm weather can make people […]
UC Davis chancellor “feels horrible” about the pepper-spray incident. (LA Times) Where the 51% at in the OWS movement? (Atlantic) We want you to have good sex. (NYT) HuffPo Canada’s managing editor experiments with a vodka-soaked tampon…and then writes about it. (HuffPo) Three American students have been arrested for having participated in the recent demonstrations in […]
Wednesday evening, Columbia welcomed the self-proclaimed writer without style E.L. Doctorow to the Faculty House to deliver a lecture he called, “Notes on the History of Fiction.” The event was part of a two day symposium on fiction and histories. Postmodern enthusiast Allie Curry was in attendance: When I arrived mid-way through the panel, the crowd […]
At 1 am this morning, hundreds of police officers raided the two-month-old Occupy Wall Street encampment in Zuccotti Park. Tune in here for a live stream of the events. And despite efforts to suppress media access to the park, Bwog and B&W alum Avi Zenilman was there. IvyGate blogger Wilfred Chan, CC ’13, met up with a few Columbians there as well. Bwog […]
Are we in the midst of a world historic event or some such Hegelian nonsense? A crop of Columbia professors certainly seemed to think so at last night’s “Understanding #OCCUPYWALLSTREET” lecture. Catch up on one of the first attempts to academicize the young movement as brought to you by Bwog’s social/economic revolutions specialist, Sam Schipani. “I’ve […]
Steve Jobs instructed the next CEO of Apple to not think “What would Steve Do?” We’re thinking it’s a great time to switch back to PCs. (Bloomberg) People are coming up with stranger and stranger reactions to OWS. MTV has decided to air “True Life: I’m Occuyping Wall Street,” while over on Long Island a […]
Exposed: Security analyst who went undercover to give the FBI inside info on OWS protests. (Gawker) Interrupted: Rupert Murdoch during a speech on education by protestors wanting to Occupy Sesame Street. (HuffPo) Evicted? The controversial Park51, Ground Zero community center unless it pays $1.7 million in back rent. (NY Post) Vented: The woes of this […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
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March 14, 2025