The RA we all dream of shows us Taylor Swift videos and gives us Nutella when we’re crying after our first freshman Chem exam. CC Senior Peter Bailinson is this dream-RA. Read on for the warm, fuzzy feeing your Death-Metal-loving RA never quite gave you. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Peter Bailinson, Columbia College, East Asian […]
As ever, honoring our dearest Mother Magazine, Bwog presents Blue and White contributor Mariam Elnozahy’s, BC ’16, investigation into CCSC’s demographic misrepresentation. The Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) is elected by the student body (or the 40 percent who vote) every April. Its 25 members are tasked with representing Columbia College students. They are often invited […]
What better way to understand the minds of the great than through a diet consisting entirely of symbolic representations of their lifestyles? Inspired by this article at New York Magazine, we decided to apply the technique to true greatness: relatively well known Columbia campus celebrities. Correspondent and celebrity connoisseur Rachel Deal lived a (short) week on […]
Last night, Bwog’s top student government celebrator Joe Milholland went to observe CCSC’s last meeting of the year. The Final CCSC Meeting of the year featured the traditional plate awards. The Awards: Zach Vargas Sullivan (2014 Class Representative) won “Most Real” Honorable Mention: “Most likely to scare the freshman” and “most likely to cut a […]
Uncovering The Mysteries Of Schermerhorn Hall
February 1, 2025Ode to Wallach Hall Gaming Lounge
January 29, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
January 28, 2025Alleged Columbia Senate Proposal Calls For Mask Ban
January 28, 2025