In our darkest hour, there is yet light. The junior Phi Beta Kappa inductees of the class of 2014 have just been announced by Columbia’s PBK chapter, as cheerily announced by Columbia College. Out of the 10% of seniors who will make PBK this year, this list represents only 2%; the following 8% of seniors […]
The final 8% of the Columbia graduating class who are to be inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, the national honor society, have been announced. Here are the first 2%. Congratulations to all the inductees. Never stop pursuing “friendship, morality, and literature”, never forget your new motto: “love of wisdom, the guide of life.” The Class […]
Congratulations to the 2%! The Class of 2013 Junior Phi Beta Kappa members have just been announced by the College, with the remaining 8% of really smart people to be inducted in the spring. According to the CC website announcement, the country’s oldest academic honor society was founded for the pursuit of “friendship, morality, and […]
Columbians, prepare to lash out in insecurity! CC 2012’s first batch of inductees to Phi Beta Kappa has been announced, and will be inducted into the nation’s oldest academic honor society this month. A larger group of scholarly standouts will get the nod later in the semester. If this is all Greek to you, just […]
The first round of Phi Beta Kappa inductees were announced tonight! Illustrious inductees to PBK, the “nation’s oldest academic honor society,” were elected last Fall, and will be initiated on January 27th. More smarty-pants members will be announced in May. Bwog extends a hearty congratulations to all! Abraham Allison Stephen Blair Bradley Collins Gregory Cox James Dawson […]
The first round of Phi Beta Kappa results are out; these lucky individuals were elected to the society in December. Congratulations to all! For the unknowing, Phi Beta Kappa is the “nation’s oldest academic honor society,” and eventually about 10% of the graduating class becomes a member. The first round of elections took place last […]
Wondering what you have to do to be an early member of Phi Beta Kappa? Here’s what Bwog found out about our early nominees: Rajiv Agarwal, Philosophy, co-president of Columbia Global Justice Rudi Batzell, History, Undergraduate History Council chair, editor/reviver of the Undergraduate History Journal, former editor of Lucha’s El Participante, and anti-ROTC panelist. Mikaela […]
Commentariat got its hands the names of the early Phi Beta Kappa inductees: Rajiv Agarwal, Rudi Batzell, Mikaela Bradbury, Jennifer Brown, Cindy Cai, Willy Chang, Emily Clader, Yasemin Erboy, Amari Hammonds, Emily Jordan, Kyle Jurado, Leora Kelman, Jisung Park, Andrei Petrenko, Brendan Price, Richard Prins, Mollie Schwartz, Swarup Swaminathan, Xiyin Tang, and Xiao Wei. Congrats […]
Because we know you haven’t heard enough about Phi Beta Kappa lately, Bwog investigates how one becomes a member of the illustrious society in the first place. The bad news? There doesn’t seem to be any magic formula for becoming a member of the elite squad known as Phi Beta Kappa. According to the PBK […]
Akeel Bilgrami inspired Bwogger Justin Vlasits to pontificate on the differences between undergraduate and graduate education John Legend and Jeffrey Sachs teamed up to slow-jam against poverty Shapiro out, Spar in We also learned about the baller after-party of the Poverty Action Tour Barnard might have discovered another way of knowing The Greek scene: Not […]
Of 2008’s PBKers, five did not have visible Facebook accounts, and eleven had their privacy settings activated so that Bwog could not see their profiles. But of those who did have Facebooks, see if you can match the PBKer to their favorite Facebook quote. No cheating—it’s PBK. A. “I would give the greatest sunset in […]
An anonymous tipster forwarded Bwog an invitation to the PBK initiation ceremony (and reception!) on February 4th in Low. Hypothetically, if you have a 3.4 and you’re forwarded an invitation, that does mean you’re welcome to attend, yes? Complete list of this year’s inductees after the jump.
Every November, two percent of the senior class is initiated into the Phi Beta Kappa society on the strength of their junior year grades and faculty recommendations, branding themselves forevermore as Very Smart People. The other eight percent are elected in the spring, but these lucky kids get a leg up on their job applications […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025