There was the Gulati Photoshop contest, and then there was the DSpar contest. We’re just tickled to announce that Brad Koberg and Emily Clagett are the proud new owners of a Bwog shot glass! We think you’ll agree that their entry, “Daenarys Spargaryen: Mother of Dragons,” shows just how powerful DSpar really is.
Just in time for the last week, Bwog is putting out another challenge to you all you photoshop-skilled procrastinators out there because of the amazing products of the Gulati photoshop contest. This time, DSpar is getting the photoshop treatment. We have chosen a professional, versatile, and still slightly intimidating photograph of Barnard’s great president. Bonus […]
We have this incredibly swag photo of Celebrity Econ Professor Sunil Gulati. We know you all have some crazy feelings about this guy (and a powerful need to procrastinate), so we propose a Photoshop contest. Put Gulati in a new outfit, a new situation or a new context. Submissions will be judged mainly on cleverness and […]
Over the last week we asked you, our readership, to submit your entries to our first Photoshop competition featuring your favorite/least favorite professors in remodeled garb. Anyway, we hated to have to choose a winner, so instead we decided to play the proud parent and post all the lovely artwork we received on what we’d […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
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March 21, 2025