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Posts Tagged with "fine art"
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Where Art Thou?

In what may be his last time, Bwog’s Amazing Art Attendant Alex Katz takes us on a magical journey through the paintings and photographs, the discussions and explorations, and the music and drama in Morningside Heights and beyond. Tip an event you think is interesting to Ongoing John Cage: The Sight of Silence at The […]

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Free Food: Synergy!

For your munching pleasure, Bwog brings you a veritable cornucopia of complimentary cuisine: Asian Pacific American Heritage Month brings you John C. Liu, the Comptroller of New York City in a political panel event with free DinoBBQ in Lerner Cinema from 6:30 to 8 pm. Through the Looking Glass, an exhibit exploring the contact between […]

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Butler Porn

A band of mysterious vigilantes just swept through the ref room posting pictures of naked (“nude” for you sophisticated Art History major you!) people. It turns out they are leftover drawings from Artist Society’s weekly life-drawing classes. They’re there for the taking, but we’re obviously all watching you, so good luck! But wait! There’s more […]

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Trippin’ over Art

Bwog contributor Lily Icangelo wandered into an art exhibition in Dodge showing through Thursday. You only have to pass Dodge, Milbank, or Lerner so many times before viewing them as mere obtrusive chunks of space keeping you from the finer things of life, such as break dancing to Destiny’s Child on the lawn. In reality, […]

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Tavi was cute. A 5 year old fashion-blogger is just creepy. (Racked) The city is training the next generation of arborists (tree climbers!) (NYT) An un-known name in the art world, Shaquille O’Neal curates a new show at the FLAG Art Foundation, opening Friday. (NY Mag) Prestigious pooches parade! (NY Post) You can be great […]

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RoomHop is back, this time with a DIY/modern art/bricolage special from Watt, courtesy of Carolyn Ruvkun. If your room needs Hopping, contact us at with a picture. “I imagine my room to be a giant junkyard, but not so dirty,” says Patrick Han of the Watt double he shares with Shao-Wen Ang. The “garbage […]

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Bwog’s Julia Mix Barrington checked in with the double feature at Postcrypt Coffeehouse and Postcrypt Art Gallery. What’s that you say?  You didn’t find your way down the winding stone steps of St. Paul’s Chapel to check out the Postcrypt LOVE show last night?  Well, here’s what you missed. Anthony da Costa serenaded full tables […]

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This Saturday, the New Museum of Contemporary Art will officially open its new building on the Bowery between Stanton and Rivington.  If you’ve been around the area you may have noticed the rising stack of icy white boxes—designed by Tokyo-based architects Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa/SANAA—that seem as if they’re about to topple over into […]

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Friday Night Lights

1020 not cutting it on Friday nights anymore? Bwog nightlife correspondent James DeWille is your tour guide to a better weekend. Here, he provides a user-friendly guide to Every 2nd Friday in Williamsburg. Friday night is starting early this weekend, so prepare to don your dumpiest and head on over to the Bedford L stop […]

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Over the last week we asked you, our readership, to submit your entries to our first Photoshop competition featuring your favorite/least favorite professors in remodeled garb.  Anyway, we hated to have to choose a winner, so instead we decided to play the proud parent and post all the lovely artwork we received on what we’d […]

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Jerone Hsu, CC ’07, former Editor-in-Chief of Tablet, founder of Eclectica Esoterica (whose latest, beautifully designed issue includes essays about Times New Roman and psychedelic drug use), and B&W graphics editor of yore is still gracing campus with his artistic talent. Now, though, it’s for hire, albeit for a good cause: he’s selling his mural-painting […]

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The system’s far more intriguing history is written on its walls, says Bwogger Armin Rosen. Tunnel graffiti is a running history of everyone who found their explorations momentous enough to permanently commemorate…. But there’s nothing boastful or egotistical about the hastily-scrawled notes found on practically every flat and indeed most of the cylindrical surfaces in […]

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Free shit report

Bwogger Anna Corke reports from work-study in the Art History department…  There is a stack of give-away fine art posters on a table by the girl’s bathroom on the 8th floor of Schermerhorn. Picasso, Renoir, Matisse, others. Some are ripped, but would still make good editions to boring dorm rooms. And Izumi Devalier chimes in […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
Gavin McInnes, Founder Of The Proud Boys, Seen On Columbia’s Campus On Wednesday
May 30, 2024
She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
May 30, 2024

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