If you’ve ever wanted to feel the warm embrace of a sheet of steel and a Koronet Pizza-sized gong, you got your chance on Tuesday night. The Miller Theatre hosted one of its signature pop-up concerts on Tuesday, a casual event featuring some free drinks that invited its audience members onto the stage for an […]
We showed you a review of a coveted Barnard housing spot this afternoon, now it’s time for the most coveted Columbia housing: EC highrises. Killer views and more ensue… Location: 70 Morningside Dr. Nearby dorms: Wien, basically. Stores and restaurants: Hamilton Deli, Arts and Crafts Beer Parlor (grad students!), Subsconscious, Flat Top, Friedman’s, Appletree Market. […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025