There’s one open class, but it’s not on SSOL— it’s Insurance 101!
Staff Writer Phoebe Lu joins Columbia’s Harriman Institute in a panel featuring leading anti-corruption reformers Adam Stefan and Haykuhi Harutyunyan.
Continuing our World Leaders Forum coverage, staff writer Grace Fitzgerald-Diaz reflects on an event where the Greek Prime Minister spoke on a range of topics.
Community Health House is hosting a health policy debate in Wallach Lounge from 12-2 pm. The event is cosponsored by CU Dems, CUCR, CU Debate, Health Leads, and the Phoenix Project. There will be free lunch provided by Havana Central. Bwog was interested to hear more about how health policy relates to Columbia students, and so asked CU Dems and […]
Last night, campus political groups the Columbia Political Union, CU College Republicans, CU Dems, and the Roosevelt Institute hosted a live screening (with free pizza!) of the first Presidential Debate being held at the University of Denver, Colorado. Bwog’s Debate Devotee Maren Killackey watched intently as America’s favorite presidential candidates went at it. The air […]
Earlier this week, Bwog reported on the Stampgate and Tapegate scandals that sullied the CCSC election. However, the revelation gave us an opportunity to count our blessings, and recognize that the dirty dealings on campus aren’t nearly as bad they might be… 15. John Jay cleaning lady revealed to be mother to candidate’s secret […]
South Carolina: In their ongoing quest to find a candidate suitable to challenge Barack Obama (did you know he’s a Columbia alum?!?) for the presidency, Republican primary voters turned yesterday to former house speaker Newt Gingrich, who received 40% of the vote to Mitt Romney’s 28%. The race for the White House hasn’t been this […]
With all the craziness of Columbia, Bwog often forgets it’s a national citizen. Also, because Netflix streaming exists. We’ve already tried to demystify The Planned Parenthood controversy, and the Lame Duck Congress that soared. Now, to aid those who haven’t followed all the congressional buffoonery, we offer this quick summary of the current budget situation. The […]
Bwog hops a lot—it’s how we get our exercise! This week, we kept up with our New Year’s Resolution and lecturehopped our way over to the Italian Academy to the 14th Annual David N. Dinkins Leadership and Public Policy Form: Crisis in State Budgets. Bwog Budget Bureau Chief (seriously, someone has to regulate our snack […]
On Monday No Labels took over Roone Arledge Auditorium, and Alex Jones was there to check out all of the super-exciting bipartisan action. The event started at the ungodly hour of 8 a.m., and began with an address by the four “founding leaders.” What followed can only be described as uncomfortable. No Labels commissioned Akon […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025