Rambunctious newsletter editor Zoe Sottile is just like you: scared to walk into John Jay alone. We’ve all been there. You’re hungry. You’re craving a nice John Jay sushi roll, or maybe some of the miscellaneous pastes from the vegan station smeared on white bread. You text a friend to ask if they want to […]
Why are the lines so long at Ferris? Where have the remains of Maggie the Magnolia gone? Why is it still cold even though it’s literally May? The fact that we’re pondering these questions instead of studying for finals means that it’s time for a Dark Night of the Soul. What a strange sad week […]
Our porcine problem persists as experts question the vaccine’s use (NY1). Evangelists may have vanquished Route 66, but Atheists are now converting subway riders (Gothamist). With Manhattanville secured, Columbia plots to conquer Europe and South Asia (Spec). The rich and famous enter Purgatorio without Virgil’s help (Gawker). Teachers College descends from the ivory tower (Spec). […]
Looking for some student theater in your life? Bwog reviews the latest production from the CU Players. Having had only a month to put the production together, the CU Players (or “CUPS,” better-known for the plastic cups handed out during the activities fair) did a more-than-credible job of mixing the Bronx with the Bible Thursday […]
It’s the beginning of the semester and lines are out of control at the Barnes & Noble and, occasionally, at Book Culture, where the line has snaked up the stairs (or alternately, has been non-existent, like every time Bwog goes there to take a photograph of the line). For a shorter trip to the bookstore, […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025