Our faithful friends at Red Bull have created a “Strength of Schedule” contest to find the Columbia student with the busiest schedule. But since we at Bwog know that all Columbians are truly just slackers at heart, we invite you to participate in our version: the Lightness of Load competition. Do YOU think you have […]
Bleary-eyed and ready to start ranting to the nice ladies in Butler Cafe, you enter the library at the crack of dawn (okay, 10 am) to start work on that project you really, really didn’t mean to procrastinate on. But wait—what’s that smell? Is it possible that someone got here even earlier than YOU, and […]
Bwog found Mickey Avalon’s backstage spread rather ordinary – fruit, iced water, some Red Bull. When Zoe Camp and Peter Krawczyk showed up to interview him before last night’s show, they couldn’t detect slightest sign of illicit behavior – for all we know, it could have been Al Gore’s green room. But then out walked […]
We’ve heard that a Red Bull-promoting frat has been leaving gifts on doors in Hartley, John Jay, Broadway and EC. Thanks, but this may have been more useful a few days ago.
Caffeine-dar Specialist Anish Bramhandkar informs us that the Red Bull car is giving out free samples across the street from Hamdel… right now! Get thee to Amsterdam or miss this opportunity for free cans of taurine. Image via Wikipedia Commons.
Lunar Gala’s show is still going on until 10, and the biggest acts are yet to come. But most importantly, if you needed an incentive to book it over to Lerner, they’re handing out free Red Bull outside the entrance to Roone! Stock up now! Still, the culinary side hasn’t been all fun and games […]
What�s better than free food? Free Red Bull! And Sugar Free Red Bull, and new Red Bull Cola. Well, possibly not that last thing, because, well, gross. Anyway, the drinks will be available from 11am-2pm today on the ramps in Lerner. Early in the semester though it is, your Sunday (or perhaps even Wednesday) night […]
Overheard in Butler: Woman A, shaking an empty Red Bull can, to random stranger at our table: “Excuse me, how many of these can I drink before I die?” Woman B: “I don’t know, three or four?” Woman A, still holding Red Bull can, to man next to woman B “Hey, how many of these […]
You’ve probably had your library odysseys. Some last longer than others. In this second installment of a nine-night marathon, Butler Correspondent Maryam Parhizkar narrates what it’s like to have stayed longer than almost anyone. Night 5 By late evening the next night others have joined us in our little study spot. Someone brought pillows and […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025