The Columbia Policy Institute hosted a meeting on an unspoken pillar of America: milk.
We’re not in Kansas anymore. CCSC Bureau Chief Nadra Rahman reports on our fave student leaders, not from the Satow Room, but from the far less pleasant-sounding 476A. Oh, and the Roosevelt Institute is there and wants us to go green. For a change of pace, last night’s CCSC meeting took place in 476A, one […]
Student government extraordinaire Joe Milholland is back again this week, covering the General Studies Student Council meeting, featuring the Roosevelt Institute, food insecurity, budget changes, and more. On Tuesday night, the General Studies Student Council. tabled a co-sponsorship proposal to fund $200 to the Roosevelt Institute and requested the group seek funding from the Joint […]
This past Tuesday, we sent writer Christina Clark to the Roosevelt Institute’s meeting on Bitcoin. Here’s her account of the discussion and overall club experience: On Tuesday I attended my first Roosevelt Institute event for their discussion Bitcoin: Internet, Money, and the Law. I was intrigued by both the promise of constructive, nonpartisan discussion and […]
Last Thursday was the Roosevelt Institute’s annual policy forum on the topic of the future of the U.S. defense industry. Never one to miss a good panel discussion, we sent defensive defenestrator Julia Goodman to report. In case you’re unaware, the Roosevelt Institute is a nonpartisan think tank with chapters on college campuses across the […]
It’s a meaty Bwoglines today, but real things are happening, and we gotta keep you informed! The Department of City Planning has given Columbia’s new Baker Field plan 11-1 approval, allowing it to reserve only 1.5 percent of its property to public waterfront access instead of the usual 15 percent. Because the Inwood Community Board […]
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
February 21, 2025Freshpeople Housing Review 2022: Wallach
February 20, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2019: John Jay Hall
February 20, 2025Hate Letter: “Midterms”
February 20, 2025