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Posts Tagged with "baker field"

After hating some charming soccer players for crushing the housing game last semester, Bwog editor Alexandra Svokos decided to see them in action at their home opener against Iona College on Saturday. I had this grand image in my head: a group of friends at Baker in painted faces and Columbia gear, cheering wildly in […]

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Late on Monday night, buffeted by the winds of Sandy, some curiously adventurous lightweight crew members biked up to Baker Field and witnessed some intense flooding (not deep enough to row in, by the looks of it). They returned to Baker for practice this morning and snapped another picture for comparison. In their words: YOSO […]

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If you went to last weekend’s homecoming game, then you probably recall all the construction happening near the soccer fields at the Baker Athletic Complex. Following this week’s groundbreaking ceremony, construction is officially underway on the new 48,000-square-foot sports facility. Situated near the corner of 218th and Broadway, the center will house indoor training spaces, […]

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With a vote on Columbia’s Baker Field building plans in Inwood coming next week, community members have posted an online petition calling for more concessions from the university. (Manhattan Times) Manning Marable, SIPA professor of history and public affairs and founding director of the Institute for Research in African American Studies, passed away yesterday. Marable […]

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A storm is brewing over Columbia’s upgrades to Baker Field. The project has been controversial since the beginning, but tensions escalated this past week. Residents of Inwood, the neighborhood around the 218th St. complex, are frustrated with the way, they argue, Columbia has circumvented zoning laws. Of course people get peeved whenever Columbia expands, but Columbia did, […]

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It’s a meaty Bwoglines today, but real things are happening, and we gotta keep you informed! The Department of City Planning has given Columbia’s new Baker Field plan 11-1 approval, allowing it to reserve only 1.5 percent of its property to public waterfront access instead of the usual 15 percent. Because the Inwood Community Board […]

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Columbia has been planning an upgrade to Baker Field for months. Those plans have solidified– sorta– in the form of a 70-foot aluminum building, reports the New York Times. The building will add to go up within the 26 acres Columbia owns around 218th Street in Inwood, which is even farther uptown than Manhattanville! The […]

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Here are some more activities to keep Mom and Dad busy because Bwog loves you and your parents and because Bwog has secret tour guide aspirations…. Wallach Art Gallery Columbia has its own mini-museum in Schermerhorn! Who knew? The Wallach Gallery’s classy digs will undoubtedly impress your parents. Maybe you’ll even impress them with your […]

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Whether you plan on going to the Big Game or not, Bwog recommends taking advantage of the pre-homecoming breakfast taking place in the EC 2nd floor lounge this morning at 11:00.    It’s free! School spirit not required.

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Recapitulation of this weekend’s football success by CML: Thousands of fans from both Columbia and Cornell converged upon Baker Field today, each to witness firsthand the contest that would determine the best Ivy League football team in New York  – and whether Columbia, after two years, would finally notch a conference win.  The sun shone […]

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