Happening in the nation: Ann Donnelly, a federal judge in New York, carried out an emergency ruling preventing the removal of people with refugee applications, valid visas, and “other individuals…legally authorized to enter the United States” from the US. She explained that Trump’s executive order risks “substantial and irreparable injury” to those targeted. (BBC) Happening […]
Shopping period is stressful. So is add/drop period. But have no fear, Bwog is here to help in this trying time. We’ve provided for you a list of classes to avoid at all costs, along with our very own reasoning behind each drop. As always, feel free to leave additional suggestions in the comments, or […]
Where Art Thou: Welcome Back Edition
January 21, 2025In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024