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Posts Tagged with "travel"

Shahreen reminds you to put yourself out there, to engage, and live boldly.

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As storms, staff shortages, and scheduling malfunctions swept the nation this winter break, many a Bwog staffer was delayed or stranded. Enjoy this compilation of their travel struggles!

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I spent many, many, many hours traveling home and back last week. Here’s some music that helped me pass the time.

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Happening in the nation: Ann Donnelly, a federal judge in New York, carried out an emergency ruling preventing the removal of people with refugee applications, valid visas, and “other individuals…legally authorized to enter the United States” from the US. She explained that Trump’s executive order risks “substantial and irreparable injury” to those targeted. (BBC) Happening […]

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What’s cooler than being cool? Being a multi-cultural badass with a thing for parties and politics. Ariella dishes some dope advice and interesting personal tidbits in the process. Read on! Name, School, Major, Hometown: Ariella G. Hohl, GS, Middle Eastern Studies, São Paulo, Brazil Claim to fame: The girl who left campus one summer as […]

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WHO!WHAT? WHEN? No, silly, it’s NOW!HERE, Columbia’s own undergraduate journal of world travel featuring articles, photos and art inspired by the international experiences of Columbia students. It’s now here (get it?). The choice reads: Ireland: “We’re like a petulant college student.” Hitchhiker fiction! Holland isn’t quite like you imagine it. The Jersey Shore isn’t, either. […]

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Columbia’s newest undergraduate publication, NOW!HERE, a journal of world travel featuring articles, photos and art inspired by the international experiences of Columbia students, is now here. Bwog selects its choice offerings. How to take a Eurotrip. Kerouac, sometime Columbian and Spec writer, also wrote travel books. Margaritas! Clubbing! Tequila! Beautiful People! Piña Coladas! Sex! Art […]

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   Image courtesy Most of the Spectator staff departed last night for Aruba having published no issue for today. So, in keeping with that spirit of travel, today’s QuickSpec prepares you for departure with news from the airport.  Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for flying with us today, particularly those of you with corporate […]

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If you’re heading home via bus this Thanksgiving weekend, make an informed choice! Here, Bwog correspondents persuade you to ride DC2NY, Bolt, VamooseBus and, in an impassioned, extended defense, Fung Wah.  VamooseBus My experience with VamooseBus is a prime example of brand loyalty. When I first went to visit Columbia without my parents, my Columbia […]

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A Point of Departure

As Columbians begin to trickle slowly away from Morningside Heights for the much-anticipated and well-deserved Thanksgiving Holiday, the queues at JFK, La Guardia, Penn Station, and yes even the Port Authority Bus Terminal are beginning to fill out.  In typical fashion, Bwog has asked its most experienced travelers for tips on how best to brave […]

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On the Road Again

As is customary before any break, we’ve re-posted our peregrination pointers list in hopes that you will have the quickest, safest, cheapest, most comfortable ride home. And if you have a travel secret that doesn’t appear on the list, email Sharing is caring. How to decide upon the lesser of the three evils: train, […]

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The joy of attending school in New York is that half of the student body has endured a subway ride with a stranger passed out and drooling on their shoulder. In the hope of avoiding unpleasant public transportation experiences, Bwog reposts its pre-break peregrination pointers (“travel tips” seems so overdone). And if you think this […]

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The free New Jersey transit fares (with a student ID and this coupon) continue until Sunday. Take advantage and see the Jerz — here are some suggestions, and directions, from the Bwog Staff. Medieval Times Lyndhurst, NJ Catch the 192 Bus at the Port Authority Bus Terminal and take it to Polito Ave. Then look […]

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As campus is slowly emptying out for Thanksgiving, Penn Station and JFK are filling up. Bwog has asked some experienced travelers for advice on having a safe, cheap and relatively painless journey home. Bon voyage! How to decide upon the lesser of the three evils: train, bus or car? “I’m going to Western Massachusetts, and […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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