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Posts Tagged with "science 101"

Welcome back to Science 101, Bwog’s semi-regular advice column geared toward science students! In this edition, Science Editor Sydney Wells explains the different physics majors at Barnumbia.

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Welcome back to Science 101, Bwog’s semi-regular advice column geared toward science students! In this edition, Science Editor Sydney Wells explains the different chemistry majors at Barnumbia.

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This semester, we’re bringing back Science 101, Bwog’s semi-regular advice column geared towards science students! In this edition, Science Editor and Environmental Biology major Sydney Wells explains all the different biological science majors at Barnumbia.

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Welcome potential STEM first-year and transfer students! Periodically, Bwog has advice on how to start your college career off on the best foot. Science Editor (and maybe Microbiologist-in-Training) Kyle Murray has gathered tips for Chemistry!

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Welcome potential STEM first-year and transfer students! Although your entrance into college may not be ideal, Bwog still has some advice on how to start your college career off on the best foot. Deputy Editor (and Astrophysicist-in-Training) Mary Clare Greenlees and Deputy Science Editor Chloe Gong have compiled everything you need to know.

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Did your relatives ask invasive questions about your future plans this Thanksgiving? Maybe they did or maybe they didn’t, but Mary Clare Greenlees: Bwog’s Deputy Editor, resident Astrophysics major, and stress baker extraordinaire, is going to tell you how to snag that fun summer research internship all the cool kids are talking about. This is… […]

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This week’s edition of Science 101 goes out to the pre-med fam, and tackles the notorious MCAT. Advice comes from Bwog Science Editor Alex Tang, who got his MCAT score back last Tuesday and is ecstatic to be done with that phase of his life.

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Welcome back to Science 101, Bwog’s semi-regular advice column geared towards science students. In this edition, Bwog’s Science Editor, biology major, and third-year Alex Tang provides tips on getting involved in science research on and off campus. Spring Break is the perfect time to start looking! Happy Spring Break! Midterms are over, and so is […]

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Bwog’s semi-regular science advice column, Science 101, is back this week. In today’s edition, Science Editor and junior biology major Alex Tang provides tips on asking for (and getting) good recommendation letters, a skill that STEM students will need to utilize for summer programs, grad school applications, etc. For many students, there’s something inherently awkward […]

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Now that the first series of STEM midterms are safely behind us, it’s a good time to think about ways in which we can improve our test-taking skills for the next batch of exams. In this week’s edition of Science 101, Bwog Science Editor, Intro Bio TA, and science intro-sequence veteran Alex Tang brings you […]

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Science 101 is Bwog’s weekly advice column for Columbia and Barnard students studying STEM. In this week’s edition, Bwog Science Editor and junior-year biology/pre-med major Alex Tang brings you advice he wish he knew as a freshman. Class of 2022, welcome to Columbia! You’re currently confused, excited, nervous (and probably way too cool to admit […]

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Bwog Science is back with Science 101, our semi-regular advice column for all things science! Last week, Bwog Science Editor (and potential MD/PhD applicant (?)) Alex Tang attended an MD/PhD discussion panel, which included MD/PhD representatives from Columbia, NYU, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, and Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Here, he […]

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Do you have an upcoming face-to-face interview with a potential PI? A phone interview for a summer research internship? A panel medical school interview? Today, Bwog Science Editor Alex Tang brings you science interview tips, compiled from his own experiences and those of his friends and peers. Chances are, as a science student, you’re going to […]

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Bwog Science is back with Science 101, our regular column which brings you tips and tricks on navigating science at Columbia. In this week’s edition, Bwog Science Editor (and token pre-med) Alex Tang provides ideas for ways that pre-meds can spend the summer. With the warmer weather and the agonizingly oh-so-close approach of Spring Break, we’re reminded of the […]

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