Have you been browsing Barnard Buy Sell Trade, trying to spruce up your wardrobe for spring? Grab some discount vitamins? Meet a random stranger in the lobby of Lerner to buy their junk? Great news– Bwog is doing spring cleaning because we have way too much stuff to pack up and bring home. Check out some […]
Bwog isn’t quite ready for schoolwork yet and living in our parents’ house for a week has made us revert to childhood. Remember picture books? (The Atlantic) Perhaps the end to all our intellectual ennui will come when we start paying attention in our Spanish classes. (NYT) Or maybe we just need to live a little […]
Discipline and punish. (The Economist) NoCo is saving the environment! (Sacramento Bee) Change is coming to the Central Valley. (New York Times) Good Guy Anonymous, stopping child pornographers. (Time) The FBI can’t seem to keep track of its super secret spy gadgets. (TechDirt) Questionable behavior via Wikimedia Commons
-Photo via Princeton Online The City tries to save us from vicious dogs. Somehow, people are outraged. Take Back the Night is going to clean house. The Earth Institute is going to clean the world…with a new major. Okay, Vampire Weekend and Talib Kweli aren’t going to clean anything, but we appreciate the study break.
A concerned member of the Columbia Fashion Police (also known as the Oxymoron Squad) has alerted Bwog to Alexander Hamilton’s new accessory. It’s certainly fetching, but is it a political statement? That depends on whether it’s meant to be an army patrol cap, a newsboy cap, or (the likeliest candidate) a brimmed tam o’shanter. This also might just be the latest way […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025