An escape from college reality with a breath of romanticism and passion.
On Friday, April 21st, Raw Elementz held their annual Spring Showcase in Roone Auditorium. What ensued was a night of high-energy dancing, fun, and heart-warming camaraderie.
When I Consider Everything That Grew, written by Talia Hankin, CC ‘22, and directed by Camilla Cox, CC ‘22, was put on for just two days last week by NOMADS. Despite that, the play, starring Taylor Richardson, GS ‘25, and Elias Wachtel, CC ‘25, will remain relevant far beyond for its poignant questioning of what […]
Last night, CUPAL’s put on a performance called Special Project: Film Fatale. We sent Film Fanatic Ross Chapman to check it out. I would love to be able to call this show, “An X with a twist,” but with so much going on in CUPAL’s Special Project: Film Fatale, I really can’t explain it that concisely. […]
Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
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