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Posts Tagged with "ballet"

An escape from college reality with a breath of romanticism and passion.

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Thursday night marked Columbia Repertory Ballet’s (CRB’s) return to the studio!  CRB filmed its fall 2021 performance in the Barnard College dance studios with an entirely masked cast.

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New York City is packed with amazing culture and inspiring art, but sometimes it’s difficult to break the Morningside-bubble and experience it all first-hand. “Where Art Thou” is a weekly guide to interesting and notable lectures, events, and performances for the literary/musically/theatrically-inclined on campus. On Campus: Wednesday through Saturday, head up to the Lenfest Center […]

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Bwog staff writers Lauren Kahme, Elle Ferguson, and Alan Wang attend CBC’s “works in progress” event.

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On Saturday night, Columbia Ballet Collaborative held their fall performance at the Ailey Citigroup Theater in west midtown. Internal Editor Sarah Kinney and staff writer Elle Ferguson (both of whom are ballet-ers themselves) attended the performance to see what they had in store. What they found was an enticing and experimental showcase of ballet in all its forms.  […]

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On Sunday afternoon, uncultured freshmen Jordan and Abi, who know nothing about ballet but were excited nonetheless, journeyed all the way to 60th Street to watch the Columbia University Ballet Ensemble perform Swan Lake. Hear what they have to say. After aimlessly wandering around in arctic temperatures, trying to find the Manhattan Movement and Arts Centre, we […]

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This past Saturday night, Bwogger, Bella Tincher, decided to venture down to Riverside Theater to see the Columbia University Ballet Ensemble’ production of Sleeping Beauty. Filled with strife, drama, and comedy, the show was quite a delight. As I filled into my seat, third row from the front, I was excited to see what waiting […]

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New York-based ballerina Misty Copeland (Principal with American Ballet Theatre), graces the March pages of Harper’s Bazaar with recreations of famous Degas dancer works of art. (Harper’s Bazaar) A few blocks south, old phone booths were replaced with newer, soon-to-be WiFi-equipped phone booths that still look old. Seems fake but ok. (NY Times) If you […]

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Here at Bwog, we’re always looking to immerse ourselves in the buzzing display of on-campus culture, whether that be news, theatre, or dance. This is how we ended up spending our Thursday night at the Columbia University Ballet Ensemble’s rendition of Cinderella, running for one night only in the Roone Alredge Auditorium. I’m notorious for […]

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Well actually, we can’t, but Columbia Ballet Collaborative can. Their new video, featuring Kaitlyn Gilliland and James Lasky, is amazing and should be watched. Choreographer Gus Reed has outdone himself. Unfortunately, CBC’s performances for this semester have passed, but they will be having another show in February. In the meantime, they offer free ballet classes every […]

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Where Art Thou?

Where Art Thou?, Bwog’s Wednesday feature, encourages you, as usual, to stay on campus and have some free/kind of free fun this weekend. If you’re a dance aficionado, this is the weekend to stay on campus and watch your peers roll around on stage and stuff. If you’d like your loosely dance-related event featured here, email Thursday […]

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Where Art Thou?

Bwog’s Wednesday feature, Where Art Thou?, is here to keep you posted on what’s going on in the A&E department in Morningside Heights and beyond (basically all the cool events your friends are in/on/at). If you would like your production entitled EarlyMorn Theatre Post-Winter Anthology posted on Bwog, now you can! E-mail us at Thursday The […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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