Taqueria hasn’t always been sure what to do with its awkward other half room. Last year, the Mexican flag was painted on the ceiling and it was used for Taqueria overflow. Then it was closed, open again briefly, and closed again. Now it’s an Italian restaurant called La Piccola Cucina owned by the Taqueria folks. […]
During Bwog’s Wednesday morning constitutional, we were delighted to note that at least one-half of Taqueria is open and ready for business. The new-ish dining room is open, the fridge fully stocked with Modelos and Jarritos, and take-out orders are made in the back. The nice lady who handed us our chicken taco informed us […]
Everybody’s favorite little piece of Mexico on Amsterdam is currently closed for renovation, and there is no word on when it will be back up. And that “everyone” includes two 20-something males overheard saying “We’ve been foiled again!” as they looked sadly upon the closed restaurant. Full sign after the jump.
“Delta Delta Delta, can I help ya, help ya, help ya?” No more kickbacks here Stop Columbia! Unless I get a good business deal out of it. But will there be swipe access? Chipotle vs. Taqueria- showdown of the century Fashion! Fashion! Fashion!
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March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
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