For our young NSOP-ers, the academic year has already begun. Intrepid Iliad-er and Feisty Freshperson Garrett Donnelly gives us his report of the first Lit Hum lecture. So we all walk into Roone Arledge Auditorium, each with our slightly dusty copies of The Iliad (thank God for the three-day weekend), to inaugurate our class’ entrance […]
Nine out of ten dentists recommend you watch the latest video that’s kind of about orgo, this time with musical references to the Harlem Shake and other songs we’ve tried to forget about. Its rappers are decked out in Columbia University apparel and a shirt that reads, “I have nice abs”—naturally, its creators are current […]
In memory of one of the best things said at a First Lit Hum Class, Bwog asked freshmen, as they were leaving Roone Arledge, to complete the following sentence: The Iliad is like: the Bible. a journey. boring. Stephen Colbert. Stephen Colbert hosting the White House Correspondents dinner for George W. Bush. no other book. […]
Bro 1: I’m pretty sure Achilles was bigger than Ajax Bro 2: That’s bullshit, he was a better fighter, but not as huge. Bro 3: No, Achilles was bigger.
The learning starts today. Gather with philosopher queen Christia Mercer (substitute for Lit Hum legend Gareth Williams in the graph) to pore over the Iliad that you’ve all finished weeks ago! Head over to Lerner, the big glass thing, at 2:30. Graphic by Jon Hill
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025