We, therefore, commit this gourd to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life.
Bwog’s pumpkin carving Halloween contest is in high gear, and it appears that Columbia is home to some fine artists. The prizes for first, second, and third place for each contest are two sixers, a slice of Koronet’s pizza, and a cup of Butler Café coffee, respectively. Submissions are due tomorrow night before the clock […]
Many of you guys have already been submitting your creative, sexy, funny, and scary costumes for Bwog’s Halloween costume contest. Entries to tips@bwog.com aren’t due until tomorrow at 11:59 pm, so you still have time to impress us. Here are your latest pictures.
The time for carving may have come and gone (unless you don’t mind going to your 6 ‘o clock class covered in pumpkin gourd) but these pictures are just in time for your night of candy soliciting/wishing Halloween weren’t on a Monday/fighting off whatever you caught from this past weekend’s Halloween eve festivities. The results […]
We showed off the first two entries to our Pumpkin Carving Contest last night, and now we present four more. The first submission by Sonia Bansal we’d like to see turned into emoticons in the comments section. The next submission—”Pumpkin Brew” by Dan Matlock, was inspired by the Atlanta Brewing Company. The next photo is of […]
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
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March 6, 2025