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Posts Tagged with "costume contest"

Do you like six-packs? Are you #2spoopy2live? Are you #2creppy2die? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then you better put on your latex Spock ears and listen to what we’ve got to say now. If you’ve got a bangin’ Halloween costume, you simply must enter Bwog’s annual Halloween Costume Contest. You can go […]

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The time has come again for us to announce the winners of our Annual Halloween Costume & Pumpkin Carving Contests! The winners are… First Place Costume: Salmon in Columbia Boy Shorts From our winner’s email: “I’m probably not the first girl to print out Keanu Ross-Cabrera’s profile picture in Hartley Computer Lab, but at least […]

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What better way to keep procrastinating take a break from studying than by planning your Halloween costume to enter in our costume contest? Out of ideas you say? Fear not. Our spooky spectacular costume creator Claire Friedman has come up with another idea for those too busy to be original: NSLOP. You Will Need: An NSOP bracelet A well-worn “NSOP: Step […]

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Maybe you already celebrated Halloween this past weekend and are loath to pull out your worse-for-the-wear costume for another round. Maybe you had counted on waiting in line at Ricky’s for several hours at the last minute for something you could wear once and then deny any photographic evidence that you ever wore it. Maybe […]

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Bwog is getting a ton of great submissions for our Halloween Costume Contest. You, too, can compete to win the respect and love of your peers (among other things), by submitting your photo to by 11:59 pm tonight! Here is the latest round of costumes:

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Many of you guys have already been submitting your creative, sexy, funny, and scary costumes for Bwog’s Halloween costume contest. Entries to aren’t due until tomorrow at 11:59 pm, so you still have time to impress us. Here are your latest pictures.

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Here’s another crop of your creative classmates. It’s not too late to send in your pictures! We’ll post the rest of our collection tomorrow for further judgement by the Bwog community. Keep a look out late tomorrow evening for our official results. Play nice in the comments.

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So far, no Steve Jobs… (too soon?) but here are the current candidates for our costume contest. Did you dress up last night? Do you have a few action shots from one of the many parties? Are they appropriate for your parents to see? Probably not, but submit them anyway. Blurred out faces and pseudonyms […]

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The academic calendar gods may not have blessed us with a Halloweekend this year, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it up style. That’s right, tonight marks the start of Bwog’s fifth annual costume contest, and we want to see your best. Whether you’re doing something Core-inspired, politically-motivated, or just deliciously clever, we want to see […]

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And the Winner Is…

… Anderson Cooper, Wrestling with his Sexuality! In addition, an honorable mention goes to Daniel Gutsche, CC’12, and Deaton Jones, CC’13, for their costumes as Achilles and Patroclus! The winners will be contacted regarding their prizes in short order. Bwog would like to thank everyone who submitted costumes and encourage everyone to participate next year!

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Here are our final contestants! We’ll be choosing a winner in the next day or two; help us out (without being a dick!) in the comments.

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Send us a picture of your Halloween costume by midnight-ish tonight for free beer and candy. Send to!

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It’s almost Halloween-long-weekend, and you know what that means. Dressing up as a Lit Hum character, throwing up on someone else’s costume, and Bwog’s annual costume contest! Send us pictures of your costume at and if you win, we’ll buy you some beer and candy. Plus, you’ll be famous forever. Happy Halloween, friends! See […]

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