Bwog was playing a little pre-semester Donkey Kong and noticed that the freshman bastion of ice not-really-cream had disappeared, vamoosed, vanished from Lernerland. Jaded, and not surprised, H&D’s response suggested that Pinkberry had taken all their business. We were saddened by the loss of the place that had played home to our fondest memories, by […]
In celebration of the almost-time-to-actually-enjoy-the holiday season, an attempt to draw connections. The broke Flex retreats, and Barnard begs. …and the broken Gchat died, Cubmail stopped, and Schermerhorn flooded. Our studying LitHum limericks, CC gimmicks, Culpa gutted. …and their stealing A couple takes, and plagiarism fakes. The Past A war memorial. …and the future “Obama” […]
Bwog has a penchant for corralling disparate topics under the umbrella of broad themes. Here’s what happened this week. NROTC continues to haunt us. The survey came and went for Columbia and Barnard and everyone had a problem with it. The GSSC President was politely disagreed with the outcome. And Bwog tried to decipher the […]
Old themes came back to haunt us this week. More of this, a little of that. About ROTC: New posters arrived. Professors supported ROTC on campus; professors explained their support; professors opposed ROTC on campus. Plus, a forum! About Flex: Bwog was pumped, we could charge our parents for Hungarian. Oh no wait, we can […]
Everyone’s upset and running amok. Bwog covered it all. The Ivy League is dismayed, and it’s our fault. Lively prefers us over Yale, we virtually destroyed Brown’s virtual campus, and football actually tore up Cornell’s (actual?) football field. Columbians are panicked; knives and germs are everywhere. Someone was assaulted and someone was stabbed. Public Safety […]
‘Twas a colorful week in Columbiaville Grey: It rained that one day. Flesh: Giant inflatable penis-gate! Pink: People looked uncomfortable Red: Appletree is fanciful and red. Red & Blue: McCain and Co. are up in arms about Rashid Khalidi. Red & Orange: Barnard “burned“. Orange: Halloween-themed bikers took to the streets. Yellow: One of the […]
Blame them, they were luckier than poor Bwog this week. The lineup: Lucky journalists get money, lucky roaches get their home, lucky Wieners love their view. Strong, beautiful, and lucky; small, sticky, and lucky. The luckiest delivery people are now rich, the luckiest bankers have no money, and the luckiest independents drown in pessimism.
A quick summary for you of last week’s goings-on. We have food! We have fire! We have questionable degrees! We have Yale! We have modernity! We have Hermione! and also Pablo! but not the debate! We have crime! but we have police! We have roaches! We have “porn“! We have hawks! We have Shollenberger! who’s […]
We unwillingly imitated Yale and saved the children of Gulu, dressed as sexually indiscriminate Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. The threat of a vanishing sandwich forced Rack&Soul to move — next door. McCain wore another awful striped tie and Bollinger wore a questionable yellow sweater. Columbia gained its 70-somethingth Nobel Prize, this time in Chemistry; English majors […]
As a response to his own resignation, GSSC Vice President resigns. Presidents, presidents, presidents… and Shakira, Shakira! Endorsement… lol Brinkley stepped down, and a cryptic PrezBo email followed The NROTC debate continued, and a cryptic PrezBo email followed McCain violated the number one rule of presidential debates: never wear a striped tie on camera. […]
For a three-day week, it sure felt a lot longer. Maybe it was the newness, maybe it was the heat (or Hanna). Either way, let’s relive this auspicious beginning to the semester. Your professors began class in off-putting and amusing ways A mysterious antagonist offended one violent feminist in EC We discovered our beloved bird of prey […]
Professors bid their classes adieu, claim, “There’s still hope!” Hawkmadinejad should consider taking a leaf out of Woody Allen’s book. Stressed about finals? Maybe look into the therapeutic benefits of being a sniper–only virtually, of course. Way way back in the 1980s, Columbia employees map campus, and Wallach was called Livingston! Will wonders never cease? No […]
For the record, here’s how wise Columbia seniors responded this week when asked which they would rather give up, oral sex or cheese: “It depends–giving cheese or receiving cheese?” “Well, given my current diet, if I gave up cheese I’d probably starve to death, and therefore lose both…” “Let me put it this way: Westside […]
Then: Crazy protesters! Now: Mild-mannered protesters! Then: No gentrification! Now: No gentrification! Also, an Arts Fair. Then, meaning Monday: Hipsters! Now, meaning Friday: Hipsters!
There were debates. There were endorsements. There were controversies. There were results. There were victories. And, of course, there were totally sickass parties with beer-filled pinatas. Even CCSC candidates need love. SEAS and Barnard also had eventful weeks, in regards to elections and The Vag, respectfully. Politics exist outside of Student Council, too! In […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025