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Posts Tagged with "obamacain"

Cooped up in the decidedly warm and dry comforts of its dorm room today, Bwog noticed on this most spooky and rainy of autumn afternoons that the jokesters at the Fed have published their third (and equally eerie) issue of the semester.  Prez-Bo-Hef likes Halloween parties, digs Kanye even more. Find yourself at Ricky’s? Not […]

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With the election a mere week away and the presidential candidates making their final appeals to voters in swing states tirelessly this week, it seems that Columbia political science professors have been all but missing out on the action.  That is of course, until now.  According to the popular electoral projections website, founded in […]

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In which Lecture Hop Editor Pierce Stanley takes in the second of two economic forums held at Columbia last night. Another spectacle of epic proportions has come and passed in Roone Arledge Auditorium.  Yet, last night’s Presidential Economic Forum courtesy of Columbia’s Program for Economic Research and co-sponsored by the Economics Department, the Committee on […]

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Obamacain economic advisers hold debate in a Columbia economic forum.  This part is brought to you by Aleve. Obamacain healthcare advisers hold debate in a Columbia healthcare forum.  This part is brought to you by Mylanta. Housing says bid farewell to your VingCard and its cutout Starbucks doppelganger. Change at African Institute brings instant success. […]

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The Town Hall Tussle

The highly anticipated second Presidential debate of the 2008 election commenced mere moments ago.  Tonight’s affair should prove to be quite the slug-fest, as both camps have turned up the heat with nasty smears and negative ads as of late, with just under thirty days until election day.  Also, tonight’s debate from Belmont University in […]

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In this whole hubbub about NROTC forums and referenda,  the Wall Street Journal has raised its voice once again. Yesterday, in an article centered around future Marine and Junior Austin Byrd, columnist William McGurn said that PrezBo better straighten out his act and grant the ROTC access to Columbia’s campus.  After all, McGurn wrote, even […]

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A Robyn Schneider for a new generation. Philip Roth makes it big, in Hollywood! Woody Allen makes things beautiful and slightly off-putting, in Barcelona! Standing up to middle school and high school bullies: what you need to know. That time you sat uncomfortably on the Steps yesterday: relive the magic! That time you watched the […]

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Photos of the Day

Today, we received many outstanding photographs of various things like David Gergen and cops on the roof of Butler and Joe Biden befriending a small child on a bicycle. Here is a collection of the day’s special moments. Plus a bonus PhotoShop Contest after the jump! Photo by Jon Hill

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Empty Seat Scandal!

As we wait for Barack Obama to walk across College Walk and hop into a white SUV at the sundial — UPDATE 10:10 PM: Security says they’re “having trouble with the dorms” and this walk is canceled — we’ve received a Shocking Report that an estimated 75 seats located on the lower level of Roone […]

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The main event is here! Check back at other liveblogs dedicated to the opening act and pre-gaming on the Steps. 8:01 PM: The screen is back. And Judy Woodruff is here.  8:03 PM: Oh, here is Rick Stengel. Is it just our TV or is his face bright yellow? 8:04 PM: It’s McCain! Hello, McCain! […]

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We’ll start a second liveblog dedicated to the Summit itself, which is about to start. Join us! Or reminisce about all the fun times we had on the lawn, with our earlier liveblog.   7:04 PM: Everyone took their seats off the stage. Ushers are ushering people to chairs. If Bwog sees one empty chair… […]

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Check in as we bring you updates and photographs from the Steps, Lerner, and the Press Room.     5:24 PM: Sarah Besnoff, George Krebs, and Peter Valerias are talking to us about the community service fair that’s still happening but no one is going to forfeit their spots on the steps.  5:27 PM: Someone […]

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World-renowned Service-enthusiast Usher just walked up the Lerner ramps, right in front of your Bwog editor! He was wearing a scarf and sunglasses and was surrounded by many others wearing sunglasses. He was hurried into the piano lounge, but apparently that was the wrong place to go and he was taken to a second mysterious […]

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The lottery winning ticket-holders have began to line up at the entrance of Roone. Ha! They have to line-up inside already and the rest of us get to hang around and enjoy this lovely, overcast day. Who’s the lucky one now? Meanwhile, Bwog actually heard a pantsuit-wearing lady say “I just spoke to the White […]

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Some of your classmates have already started sitting on the steps, willing to sit there bored, for hours and hours, just to watch Obamacain on the Jumbotron, which your student leaders fought for so valiantly. Michael Snyder and Tobin Mitnick, both CC ’10, said that they weren’t sure they were going to hang around until […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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