Meet the new face of EC

CCSC convened. Bwog’s Brian Wagner survived to bring you this harrowing account:

  • Quick hits: All the candidates for next year attended; College Days is coming up; prepare your coin purses, because Penny Wars is on the horizon; a committee on the Student Council elections process is being formed to review electoral policy, rules, and the like, and a bunch of CCSC-ers volunteered to join.
  • The meeting focused on a potential new EC swipe access system. After several incidents involving unruly mobs mobbing the EC entrance while trying to get guests signed in, a fancy electronic swipe system is in the works that will allow residents to electronically sign in guests. The student scans to scan his or her CUID, visitors scan their ID (whether BC or a drivers’ license), and the system electronically records who signs in who. It will also scan your iris and arrest you for crimes that you commit in the future.
  • In order to make room for this new system, there will be two lines going into EC: the traditional desk with the security guard and a separate line with a turnstile of some sort that admits signed in guests. This way congestion will be reduced and the entrance will remain secure.
  • For those who think the CIA/PrezBo/Thought Police will use this digital information to delve into your personal records, never fear: the system is designed so that it will not record any extraneous information.
  • A couple of concerns:  As a resident, you are liable for all of those random party-seekers who you sign in. Under the new system, it will be easier to hold a student responsible for a signed in stranger’s drunken antics. It is also important to note that this is not a resolution to address Barnard swipe access. BC students will still (for now) be considered guests. Some argued that the EC line isn’t a problem at all: “I’m all for townhouse parties, but how many non-CUID’s are you bringing in?”
  • The Council suggested a number of changes to the resolution, mostly involving wording and convoluted clauses, so voting was postponed until the revisions are made.

Infantile robot via wikimedia.