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Posts Tagged with "swipe access"

Earlier this morning, students received an email announcing that CC/SEAS students who commute will be given dorm swipe access starting in the fall. This announcement comes after discussions and proposals from both CCSC and ESC. Because of the various non-residential services of our residential halls, such as drop-in counseling hours with CPS, this change in policy will […]

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CCSC said “yes!” to two major proposals last night, on which Joe Milholland reports with equal enthusiasm.  The Columbia College Student Council debated two proposals on Sunday night. First, they talked about a proposal to extend the CC drop deadline from 5 weeks to 7 weeks in the semester. Academic Affairs Rep Grayson Warrick argued […]

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This week’s edition of student council coverage brings important information about switching your advisor, possibility of creating a student hang-out space, a controversial proposal to shorten Lerner Mail lines, swipe access for GS/JTS students, and (hip hip..) how Council should delegate and micro-manage less (hooray!). Satow Bureau Chiefs Sarah Ngu and Maren Killackey report! First […]

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CCSC met. Brian Wagner tells all. The Council held this week’s meeting in Lerner Party Space, so everyone was ready for a good time. In addition, CCSC wants everyone to know that College Days have begun! Though their opening ceremony yesterday may not have been free of controversy (one rep apologized–“I’m sorry you hate V-necks!”), […]

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CCSC convened. Bwog’s Brian Wagner survived to bring you this harrowing account: DON’T FORGET TO VOTE! Quick hits: All the candidates for next year attended; College Days is coming up; prepare your coin purses, because Penny Wars is on the horizon; a committee on the Student Council elections process is being formed to review electoral policy, rules, […]

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CCSC cooked it up. Brian Wagner ate it down. The Council talked about granting Barnard swipe access to Columbia dorms. In the past, insurance and other legal matters have barred student government from changing the current system. The Council resolved to investigate these barriers and to see if any additional ones existed. They also plan to discuss […]

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Swiper No Swiping!

Carolyn Ruvkun, our Monday Daily Editor, lives off-campus. Even though most things are better for people like her (you don’t have to use Columbia bathrooms!), you are a half-person without swipe access to any dorm. Carolyn went on a quest to right these terrible wrongs. Follow these simple steps to get the Swipe Sticker of […]

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Fu Foundation Bureau Chief Sean Zimmermann attended last night’s ESC meeting. Swipe Access died; revelations about Ferris Booth and JJs were unearthed. Swipe access is dead, long live swipe access: During the last night’s ESC meeting, President Peter Valeiras announced that SGA, Barnard’s student council, had decided after meeting with the administration to stop pursuing […]

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New York Democrats try to sort out the spoils of their victory. Barnard Profs rejoice with some love from a new research fund. NROTC discussion to reach critical mass with one discussion, not two. Do you have the Golden Touch? Welcome to the new swipe society.

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Barnard housing for the win!  But still not quite able to let Columbians in. CTV is going for broke… While CU Snacks goes up in smoke. Help us win more! the Spectator cries Nothing to see here, the Ivy League lies

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Aint nothing better than people behind mics (Religion!) (Education!) Next stop Bonnaroo Harvard, Brown, Penn > Princeton, Cornell, Yale Fun with euphemisms (this ran yesterday) Is that a banana in your costume? Or are you really a banana? Preview to the protest Fight! for your right! to… Project Runway!

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Chabad is the new place in Harlem for singles to meet and “schmooze“.  Seriously, it beats 1020. Coming soon in theaters, Checkmate at 112th Street. You never knew a bishop could be so dangerous. Why don’t you just go to Africa and save some lives like our “celebrated economist” tells us to?  Phelps and Stiglitz […]

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According to CCSC: 20% of Columbia student council members favor swipe access reform — 84% of Barnard students find the current swipe policy inconvenient. According to Bollinger: Few students understand financial crisis; students are generally happy. According to Career Center rep: Career fair attendance went up 84% this year. According to the Spectator Editorial Board: […]

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Earlier today, we spoke to SGA President Sarah Besnoff, who explained that despite reports of Swipe Access’ imminence, in fact, a CCSC/SEAS survey on the issue is the next step in actually moving forward on this thing. According to CCSC VP of Policy Adil Ahmed, this survey will be sent out “shortly.” CCSC is currently […]

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Yesterday evening we reported on the exciting news that Swipe Access to Barnard dorms is imminent. This, while sort of true, is not the full picture, according to SGA President Sarah Besnoff. Though CCSC announced that last spring BC students had “voted overwhelming to allow Swipe Access,” according to Besnoff, nothing formal has been decided, […]

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